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** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! **

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** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! ** Empty ** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! **

Post by Founder 10/29/2012, 5:38 pm

Ok here's the scoop,

This will be an honor league, you can submit your NMC scores from your local league night or if you are not or can't participating in a league a practice NMC score will do. The league will run for 20 weeks beginning the week of November 4th, you can only submit one NMC per gun per week and I will post the running scores here weekly.

There will be a running classification average and NMC average, those will be the numbers posted here. There will recognition for high average in each classification, most improved from week 10 to week 20 and overall Bullseye L Postal League Champion in both 22 and CF.

The information I need is,

Forum Name:
NMC score:

You can submit your scores and information via email to bullseyeforum@sbcglobal.net

Let the games begin! ** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! ** 1883569342

Last edited by Joe Fobes on 3/28/2013, 9:01 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 787
Join date : 2011-06-09
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! ** Empty Re: ** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! **

Post by Founder 11/2/2012, 7:37 pm

The rules are simple and follow the NRA Conventional Pistol rule book.

You need to shoot a national match course (NMC) which includes

One slow fire target - 10 shots in 10 minutes
One timed fire target - 2 strings of 5 shots 20 seconds per string
One rapid fire target - 2 strings of 5 shots 10 seconds per string

Of course these must be fired with one hand unsupported (Bullseye style)

Possible score is 100 points per target with a NMC possible score of 300.

If you are not familiar with the rules please read over them HERE and ask questions if you need clarification.

This is an honor system for score reporting and you can submit one score per week for 20 weeks.

I will update averages weekly.

And I locked this topic to keep it uncluttered. If you have any questions email or message me.

Last edited by Joe Fobes on 11/11/2012, 3:38 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 787
Join date : 2011-06-09
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! ** Empty Updated 12/17

Post by Founder 12/17/2012, 9:11 pm

Ok I know there has been a shortage of ammo and some people have been shooting less, but of the group that started this I have been down to 3 members sending me scores. So this will be the last of the updates and the end of the postal league for this season.

Perhaps we can have a better turn out next year?

Thank you to those that participated
tgilbert - 248 = 83 average
Paperseeker - 266 = 89 average
dclearly - 250 = 83 average
Paper-Puncher - 262 = 83 average
Karmel - 258 = 86 average
DRNurse1 - 261 = 87 average
LeadSlinger - 258 = 86 average

Togfish - 276 = 92 average
Paper-Puncher - 268 = 89 average
Lakesidemn - 266 = 89 average
farmboy - 271 = 90 average

John Rickards - 274 = 91 average
Bullseyeshutr - 290 = 97 average!
Stephen51861 - 290 = 97 average!
jabberwo - 271 = 90 average!

Last edited by Joe Fobes on 3/28/2013, 8:56 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 787
Join date : 2011-06-09
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! ** Empty Re: ** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! **

Post by Founder 1/13/2013, 3:43 pm

tgilbert - 259 = 86 average
Paperseeker - 254 = 85 average
dclearly - 244 = 81 average
Paper-Puncher - 268 = 89 average
Karmel - 243 = 81 average

Togfish - 209 = 70 average
Vociferous - 284 = 95 average

John Rickards - 274 = 91 average
Bullseyeshutr - 287 = 96 average!
Stephen51861 - 280 93 average

Posts : 787
Join date : 2011-06-09
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! ** Empty Re: ** Bullseye L Forum "postal" league begins November 4th! **

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