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Firing pin ID, AA or MP

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Firing pin ID, AA or MP Empty Firing pin ID, AA or MP

Post by Jack H 3/12/2019, 4:38 pm

I have mostly gone to Nelson.  One AA unit still here.
Early on I had Marvel Precision and AA units.
I am sure these firing pins are either AA or MP. 
One is a little different at the spring seat.
Can someone confirm what brand these are?

If they are only MP, they are available. 
Firing pin ID, AA or MP Img_0117
Firing pin ID, AA or MP Img_0118
Jack H
Jack H

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Firing pin ID, AA or MP Empty Re: Firing pin ID, AA or MP

Post by DA/SA 3/12/2019, 4:46 pm

The lower one with the tapered shank is Marvel, but I don't really see what the others would not work in a marvel as long as the diameters and lengths are the same.

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