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Fundamentals A-A part two

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Fundamentals A-A part two Empty Fundamentals A-A part two

Post by pilkguns 3/13/2019, 10:54 am

Two of the sports great talk what it takes and history


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Fundamentals A-A part two Empty Re: Fundamentals A-A part two

Post by mikemyers 3/13/2019, 12:23 pm

What a lovely video.  Gee, I just finished breakfast, and here I am at the head of the table watching and listening, as people were walking by outside - on a big screen monitor, it felt like I was actually there, listening in!!

Lots of history.

My favorite part was 27 1/2 minutes into the video, as Ray Arredondo was explaining that shooting is not like other sports - in other sports, someone tries their hardest to do better, and maybe they will - but in shooting, anyone trying to do more than they are capable of will do worse.

Now I need to find Part 1; hopefully it's online.

Thanks for posting this!!

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Fundamentals A-A part two Empty Re: Fundamentals A-A part two

Post by mikemyers 3/13/2019, 12:27 pm


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Age : 80
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