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Pardini Fiocci .32 MP

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Pardini Fiocci .32 MP  Empty Pardini Fiocci .32 MP

Post by HSM 3/14/2019, 9:41 pm

Hello Group,
I have an option to buy a Pardini Fiocci 1995 MP .32 SW as new
Is this a good buy? I read this model has some issues with cracking frames - is that a rare issue?
Thank you in advance for any feedback!


Posts : 78
Join date : 2018-08-13

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Pardini Fiocci .32 MP  Empty Re: Pardini Fiocci .32 MP

Post by fc60 3/15/2019, 12:32 pm


Cracked frames may be a result of folks loading ammo to higher velocities in an attempt to improve 50 yard accuracy.

The recoil spring weakens over time and the bolt may be striking the receiver.

A more important concern is parts availability. I would telephone PardiniUSA to see what parts are available for this model. I know from experience that Pardini Italy do not supply barrels for older guns.



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Join date : 2011-06-11
Location : South Prairie, WA 98385

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