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Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP?

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Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP? Empty Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP?

Post by CraigB5940 Mon Mar 18, 2019 1:58 pm

I have the Carbide 3 die set. I'm using this die only to seat and then using a Redding Taper crimp die. I was considering using the Lee die to seat and crimp to free up a die space in my press for my  home made .3167 expander plug which I need to use with a separate flaring die.

Has anybody tried this?  My question  is in relation to the .314 T&B 60 gr LSWC, I don't have to use the custom expander with the Hornady .311 60 gr XTP.  I'm setting both rounds to a .330 crimp right now with the taper crimp die. I'm running the taper crimp now as a separate operation because of my 5 die limit for the Hornady LNL Auto AP press.

I may at some point fabricate a flare die for the powder measure station or put the flare on a new custom expander but for now I want to save my machining time for practice! It takes time to make the die and hold it to specs and heat treat it!

I'm really pressed for time reloading time right now vs practice time!

Thanks in advance.


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Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP? Empty Re: Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP?

Post by djw1cav Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:34 pm

I also have a 5 station LNL press.  I really like to seat and crimp in separate operations so I deprime and resize before I clean the brass.  That way I have an extra station.   I do this for all of the ammunition I reload. 
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Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP? Empty Re: Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP?

Post by Dr.Don Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:20 pm

I have not used the seat/crimp die you asked about, and I'm opposed to seating and crimping in one operation.  The idea of the bullet moving relative to the case as the case is being crimped bothers me, especially in a target round where accuracy is paramount.  I'm getting reliable accurate ammo with a 4-station press, so I'm not sure why you feel the need for 6 stations???

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Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP? Empty Re: Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP?

Post by CraigB5940 Fri Mar 22, 2019 9:30 am

An update, I emailed Lee Precision, their die is a hybrid, starts with a Taper crimp and then will do a roll crimp when you set it to the "heavy crimp" adjustment. It doesn't make sense to me to use their die to seat and crimp in one operation.

I bit the bullet (pun intented) and made another .3167 expander, this time with a flare cone above the expander tip-it works great. It was easier than I thought to get that part of the expander right.

I also made one in .3125 for the Hornady 60 gr JHP. The more I make them the less time they take to make. Next up is making one for the 32 SW Long.

The hardest part of making these is trying to estimate how much material will be removed by the emery paper during the polishing steps and make it all work out to the final dimension.  Working to a few tenths is hard when you don't do this for a living! This is why they have centerless grinders!


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Location : SE PA

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Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP? Empty Re: Anybody using the Lee Crimp and Seater Die with 32 ACP?

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