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Distinguished Revolver

Steve B
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Distinguished Revolver Empty Distinguished Revolver

Post by Steve B 11/2/2012, 10:16 am

I am not one to gloat nor have any desire to write about my own accomplishments. But, I happily learned that I earned my Distinguished Revolver badge this year!!! Started shooting the revolver in April, 2011 and earned 6 points at the Bristol Regional that year shooting a 268. This year I won the Bristol Regional with a 281, shot 3rd at Perry with a 271 and won the Indiana state match with a 276. Shooting the revolver matches is very rewarding. I wish the NRA would offer additional rewards for those, who are already distinguished, to keep the participation and interest up.
I purchased a nearly new Smith 14-4 last year for this purpose. I followed Jerry Miculek's action job video, KC Crawford tuned a mainspring, switched to a 15# rebound spring and had Hamilton Bowen ream the cylinder throats to .359 - .3595". The gun would put 10 shots into 2 - 2 1/2" at 50 yards. The load was Zero's 158gr. SWC, 2.7gr. Bullseye, Winchester or Federal small pistol primers and mixed brass. The only external modification was to use Hogue's finger groove rubber grips.
I've mentioned it in other posts but I shoot slow fire SA and sustained fire DA. I really believe if folks would practice DA, using a gun with a fairly smooth action, they would find greater consistency than shooting SA at 25 yards.


Steve B

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Join date : 2011-06-16
Location : Elkhart, IN

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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by paperseeker 11/2/2012, 12:19 pm


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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Paper-Puncher 11/2/2012, 8:53 pm

I feel ya man.....I feel the revolver is very satisfying to shoot well......I personal struggle with mine....even shoting rested....with open sights is tuff....I can get 1/2 groups at 50ft with mine....but at 25yds it opens ...I'm pretty sure its not the gun but rather sighting error.....I have seen my gun do 1'' at 25yds but have trouble repeating it.....all over sand bags....I may got to a red dot on mine to help...but would really rather shoot it open sighted.....wish I still had 16yr old eye's...I have shot many slow fires at 25yd in the 85-88 range.......not bad.....but I'm not satisfied ...congradulations to you man good job....enjoy your sucsses


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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Motorcycle_dan 11/3/2012, 3:42 pm

Congrats on DR badge. Well earned. I completely agree with the DA comment on sustained fire. Shooting sustained single action almost encourages jerked triggers. I found I couldn't shoot a S&W as well as I could a Ruger GP100. Was able to keep them all in the black. Again Congrats and showing your DR pin is encouraging to others. Proclaim it from the roof tops.

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Age : 65
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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Jack H 11/4/2012, 12:03 am

Steve B wrote:I am not one to gloat nor have any desire to write about my own accomplishments. But, I happily learned that I earned my Distinguished Revolver badge this year!!! Started shooting the revolver in April, 2011 and earned 6 points at the Bristol Regional that year shooting a 268. This year I won the Bristol Regional with a 281, shot 3rd at Perry with a 271 and won the Indiana state match with a 276. Shooting the revolver matches is very rewarding. I wish the NRA would offer additional rewards for those, who are already distinguished, to keep the participation and interest up.
I purchased a nearly new Smith 14-4 last year for this purpose. I followed Jerry Miculek's action job video, KC Crawford tuned a mainspring, switched to a 15# rebound spring and had Hamilton Bowen ream the cylinder throats to .359 - .3595". The gun would put 10 shots into 2 - 2 1/2" at 50 yards. The load was Zero's 158gr. SWC, 2.7gr. Bullseye, Winchester or Federal small pistol primers and mixed brass. The only external modification was to use Hogue's finger groove rubber grips.
I've mentioned it in other posts but I shoot slow fire SA and sustained fire DA. I really believe if folks would practice DA, using a gun with a fairly smooth action, they would find greater consistency than shooting SA at 25 yards.


It almost sounds like you stretched the rule on modifications to the revolver.
Jack H
Jack H

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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Motorcycle_dan 11/4/2012, 2:33 am

No external modification and internal mods only to smooth up the trigger are acceptable. I think he did fine. In revolver it is the shooter not the gun.

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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Jack H 11/4/2012, 3:09 am

Motorcycle_dan wrote:No external modification and internal mods only to smooth up the trigger are acceptable. I think he did fine. In revolver it is the shooter not the gun.

Throating cylinders seems outside a trigger job. But admittedly is almost unenforceable.
Jack H
Jack H

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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by BE Mike 11/4/2012, 6:48 am

It wasn't the modifications to the gun that reached the goal. It was the human factor that won that medal. Good shooting!
BE Mike
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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Bruce M 11/4/2012, 3:14 pm

Congrats Steve, I'm pretty sure I scored your target down at state during the 2700 this year.

Bruce M

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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Steve B 11/4/2012, 3:19 pm

Bruce, it's great to hear from you! Send me a note when you come up to see your brother so we all can go shoot together.

Steve B

Posts : 634
Join date : 2011-06-16
Location : Elkhart, IN

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Distinguished Revolver Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Bruce M 11/4/2012, 6:43 pm

Sounds good Steve.

Bruce M

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