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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Empty Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

Post by Ed Hall 11/5/2012, 7:00 pm

There have been some recent requests for the following procedure, so I'm copying it here. On 17 December 2006, I posted this to the BE-List. Since the archives are not presently usable and to make this info more easily searchable, here is the original message I sent to the list:

Hi Mike,

I've been extremely happy with three S&W 41 magazines I've modified for
my 208s. The whole magazine is cheaper than the Hammerli tube. In
fact it might be half the cost. There is a little work involved, but
after a couple years of use, I've found no excessive wear as I had with
the Hammerli magazines. I think Gil Hebard sells the S&W magazines for
around $25-$30. The work needed includes thinning the magazine a
little by filing the high spots on each side, cutting a slot across the
back for the catch and raising the slots on each side (where the cross
pin for the follower rides) just a tad so the follower can come up
enough to lock the slide back when empty.

As a side note, there are several 41 magazines that look like they
don't come apart, but if you reach inside with a small pick (or
screwdriver) and lift the spring away from the base, you can then
wiggle it free. All three of my magazines from Gil Hebard are like that.

More details, in case you (or others) are interested in trying this

Disclaimer: Please proceed at your own risk. Since you are doing this
away from my direct supervision, I take no responsibility for your
success or failure or any damages or injuries that may occur.

1) Disassemble the magazine.
2) Remove the grips and magazine catch from the Hammerli.
3) Slide the magazine into the well and note where it starts to bind.
4) File or lightly grind the sides to relieve the binding.
5) Be sure to clean the magazine thoroughly before each check so you
don't transfer filings into the gun.
6) After you have a smooth working magazine, compare it to your old
Hammerli magazine (you may have to disassemble that one too) and mark
the back to match the length of the original with the top of the two
magazines even.
7) Cut the slot such that the top edge will match the bottom of the
Hammerli magazine tube. You might also want to relieve the sides
slightly so the bottom edge rests on the catch, instead of the two side
8 ) Clean everything well to keep any filings out of the gun.
9) Reinstall the catch and reassemble the magazine.
10) Test the magazine for fit and see if it locks the slide back.
11) If it doesn't lock the slide back, remove and disassemble it again
and cut the two side slots just a little higher. Check closely how far
up the slide stop is lifted. Make sure it is more than just barely
catching in the slide.
12) Clean everything well, reassemble and try again.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
{Ed's note: I had to add a space between the 8 and ) above because the smilies took it over when it was Cool - very annoying!}

I am still using the same three M41 magazines referenced above and they are still showing no appreciable wear. When the archives are again available, we can research and find more information about the original posts (apparently around 2004?) that were made regarding these modifications. I seem to remember that I had some issue with the rounds contacting the top front of the magazine and creating a "smiley" on the nose at some point, but I don't recall anything else about it and I have made modifications to several more over the last few years without noting any issues. Extrapolating from above, I must have been using these three for around 8 years now.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
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Ed Hall

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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Empty Re: Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

Post by jerry lehrer 3/6/2015, 4:04 pm


How do you handle the problem of the Model 41 not having an extension to the bottom plate to
facilitate removal from the pistol?  The Hammerli has those beautiful aluminium or plastic extensions.

Most Hammerli shooters have grips (stocks) which extend well below the bottom of the magazines.

I modified one M41 magazine by drilling and tapping the bottom for a brass lamp finial, but it
looks very hoky.

Jerry Lehrer

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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Empty Re: Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

Post by LenV 3/6/2015, 8:10 pm

Probably not this hoky. But they are way up there, no one can see it and I have fat fingers. This works also.

Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Dscf0421

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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Empty Re: Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

Post by Ed Hall 3/6/2015, 9:03 pm

Actually, that's the part where I thin the high spots on the sides slightly - steps 3-4.  I take the width down to where they fall out when I pull the catch tab.  One of mine is tight enough that when the gun gets dirty, I do have to press the top slightly to get it to fall free.

Ed Hall

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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Empty Re: Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

Post by jerry lehrer 3/6/2015, 9:52 pm


You are showing a Hi Standard magazine with a screw in it.  Very fitting.


jerry lehrer

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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Empty Re: Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

Post by LenV 3/6/2015, 10:09 pm

 That was me not Ed. But yes that is a high standard mag. Just grabbed it as an example of what I have to do too High Standard mags and 41 mags to be able to remove them. You figured out the first part. Now try and figure out what High standard the mag fits.


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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Empty Re: Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

Post by Wobbley 3/6/2015, 10:43 pm

An older model (103?)

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Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use Empty Re: Modifications of M41 Mags for 208s Use

Post by LenV 3/7/2015, 12:30 am

Since the OP was about modifying magazines I thought this sort of fit. The magazine was made for an HD model. It was very old new stock. I removed enough of the lip on the bottom of the mag to clear the mag release in a model 106 and had a "new" old mag for my recently acquired pistol. The new production stuff is junk and I had a source of old HD mags. The screw (or something) is necessary to seat the mag firmly since my grips are so long.


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