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Another question regarding hold

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Another question regarding hold Empty Another question regarding hold

Post by Sheriff1962 3/28/2019, 4:26 pm

I would like to know what hold experienced shooters use when shooting BE with  .45 acp outdoors ,with iron  sights at 25 and 50 yards. Thank You.


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Another question regarding hold Empty Re: Another question regarding hold

Post by Al 3/28/2019, 5:27 pm

Up to about age 60, i used a center hold. Unless the range (indoors) has excellent lighting, I have to use sub 6.
I still prefer the center as I accept the front sight floating around in the black. 6-o-clock i tend to try & dress up the shot.  Sub 6 I'm back to accepting a bit more wobble.

Regardless of the hold, down 4 clicks going from 50 to 25. Assuming same load for both distances.


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Another question regarding hold Empty Re: Another question regarding hold

Post by rreid 3/28/2019, 9:26 pm

There's a lot to be said for the sub 6 hold. I've used it for the revolver and 22. It's easier to see the sight alignment when they're on the white part of the target. It's also easier, at least for me, to accept a less than perfect sight picture as long as the sight alignment is good.

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