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New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long

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New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long Empty New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long

Post by gregbenner 4/3/2019, 1:44 pm

If Last year, Photo Escape, with asssistance from some on this forum, developed a stepped powder thru die for loading 32ACP on Dillon and similar reloading machines. More detail here:

Dillon powder funnel for .32ACP

This die also works for the full wadcutters used by the 32 S&W long, and I found it a significant help in positioning the bullet for seating without it potentially tilting to one side when flaring the brass. However, since it was developed for the acp, it does not step the brass for the full length of the wadcutter, meaning that, depending on how the brass was sized, the bullet will either be squeezed as it is seated, or perhaps worse, bulge the case (more of an issue with cast bullets).

Recently, Alex sent me a new stepped powder-thru die to test, which is stepped for the entire length of the 32long full wadcutter bullet.  I think it works great.

Using Lapua brass, and my Dillon 550,  I loaded both the standard Speer Plinker bullets (which although advertised at .314 are in reality .3125-.313) as well as my H&N copies (i.e. these standard Speers "bumped" in a swaging tool to copy the H&N bullet,  measuring .3140- .3145). I used a standard size Dillon sizing die for the std Speers, and a +2 Lee sizing die for the bumped bullets. In stage 3 (seating stage on a 550) when I insert the bullet I would push it about half way in. It won't go in too far due to the “stepped” nature of the die, and it is super easy to insert the bullet without any issue with it tilting to one side and entering crookedly,  bulging the case, or squeezing the bullet. After getting it setup. I loaded a 100 bullets,1/2 with each bullet, and tested them indoors at 25y in my MG4 and SP20.  All were in the [url=x-apple-data-detectors://1]9/10[/url] ring , which is as accurate as I can shoot offhand, with no fliers or FTFs.

The initial setup was a little challenging for me, since I have absolutely no mechanical skills.

At first I couldn’t seem to get the bumped bullets to fit in the cartridge, I think because the adjustments were way off.  However, I found that by using the smaller std Speer bullet, which is easier to push all the way in, I was able to adjust the die so that the bullet would going in all the way.  Due to slight variations in brass and bullet length, I then backed it out a few thousandths and let the seating die finalize the placement of the bullet.  In hindsight, it might be easier to merely unscrew the top cowl on the die and visually observe how far the bottom male portion enters the brass? 

The only negative I have noticed is that due to the increased length of the die, it will drop powder even with no cartridge in stage two.  When I had a Star reloader it did the same, and I cussed it until I sold it,(lol). This is an  easy work around as long as you remember to use a dummy cartridge to start and finish a reloading session, etc.(I’m 70, and memory is not my friend lol).

Finally, I seems that since the die effectively sizes the brass for the full length of the bullet, resizing the brass is not really necessary? I seem to have misplaced by de-prime only die, so haven’t had a chance to test this yet, perhaps others will comment?

In summary, I think this is a really clever and useful addition for those who load 32 long in a Dillon or other reloader which can utilize the die.  For disclosure, I have no financial interest in this product, other than I haven’t paid Alex for the die. What a Face

 Thanks again Alex for an excellent product.


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New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long Empty Re: New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long

Post by BobGee 1/20/2020, 6:27 am

Hi Greg, I’ve arrived at your post by a rather circuitous route - you know how it is when surfing the 'net. 

I shoot ISSF C/F using .32S&WL rounds. Currently, Starline brass, 1.4gn Bullseye powder, Fed SP primers and local Aussie made 98gn .314 HBWC swagged pills. I use a Dillon RL550 (old style) press. 

I am struggling to understand how the device you’ve described works with the Dillon powder dispenser. It looks very different from the inside sizing/flaring, powder drop tube I have. Is it a direct replacement?

I’d be grateful for a little guidance (I haven’t bought one yet).

Regards, Bob


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New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long Empty Re: New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long

Post by fc60 1/20/2020, 10:17 am

G'Day Bob,

The full length expander will not work well with StarLine brass.

The case wall thickens at the mid length and the expander produces a bulge in the middle of the case sometimes causing chambering issues.



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New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long Empty Re: New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long

Post by BobGee 1/20/2020, 4:21 pm

Thanks Dave. Maybe I should change my brass so I can use this die. 

Regards, Bob


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New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long Empty Re: New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long

Post by gregbenner 1/20/2020, 7:43 pm

Bob, I’m not sure how to better describe it.  I only use Lapua brass, and the PTU sizes the inside of the case for the length of the bullet, in my case swaged Speer Bullets bumped up to .3145. The idea I believe is that the bullet is not compressed or squeezed as it’s pushed down into the case.


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New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long Empty Re: New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long

Post by lobo 10/12/2020, 9:44 am


I just got one of these and I hope to get better results with my Pardini and Manurhin.

Are there any setup instructions for this?
My Dillon size die is way too aggressive. What do you use, and where can I find that?




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New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long Empty Re: New full length stepped powder thru die for 32 S&W Long

Post by NuJudge 10/12/2020, 11:33 am

Lee will sell you oversize full length sizing dies.  I eMailed the following address (November of 2016):  
Make sure you include a phone number where clerical employees can call you.  
I asked for a, "1-oversized sizing die S&W Long .333-.334 outside diameter".  

I eventually got a phone call from a Lee clerical employee who had no idea what I was asking about. 

I was prompted to order this oversize full length size die by the account I saw somewhere (probably here) of someone who had stumbled through this process to get a +1 oversize FL die before me.  In that earlier account, the person said that their "Reference ticket" was  "#RAW554-16403" , which seemed to help the clerical person figure this out.  

For me, they assigned a SKU of 70000 (which I believe is a catch-all) and an invoice number of 247062.  They charged me $27.98 and $6 shipping. 

For me, just shooting at 25 yards now, using the bumped bullets and Lapua cases, the +1 full length case sizer, together with the PTU's really long expander, works.  I would like to eventually get a +2 case FL size die, just to be over-prepared.  

There really are not any instructions on how get this to work with soft HBWC bullets.  The recommendations here are to set things up such that your bullets are at or slightly above groove diameter, and that you can push HBWC bullets into the the case about 80% of the way with just thumb pressure.  To this end, I believe a variety of ID case full length sizers, and expanders of a variety of diameters, each about 80% of the length of the HBWC bullet, are what you need, and experiment until you find something that works.   

Last edited by NuJudge on 10/13/2020, 4:23 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Additional thoughts...)


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