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Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease. I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not)

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Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease.  I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not) Empty Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease. I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not)

Post by BP Shooter Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:08 pm

What I he lost is part of my ability to speak and my balance, to a lesser extent. Fatigue has been my major issue in shooting competitions. I competed in hi power competition up until about 2008. From there I went t long range muzzleloader black powder rifle shooting, in the last two years,(diagnosed 10/2016) I have been increasingly fatigued at matches. About a Year after my diagnosis, I started Rock Steady Boxing, which helps keep me in better physical shape. I recently have begun shooting a 45-90 Sharps to avoid the up and down required by muzzleloading. I will write more, if there is interest.

BP Shooter

Posts : 5
Join date : 2019-04-04

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Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease.  I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not) Empty Re: Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease. I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not)

Post by ANDYZ28 Wed Apr 10, 2019 1:09 am

There is definitely interest on my part at least. 
I have similar issues to yours especially fatigue. I am having a NM M-9 built by David Sams who coincidentally, does not live too far away from me. I am going to try and switch to the M-9 due to weight of the gun and recoil. I hope it works out. I am also a 100% Disabled Veteran. Thanks, Andy


Posts : 51
Join date : 2012-04-21
Age : 76
Location : Midlothian, VA 23112


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Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease.  I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not) Empty Re: Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease. I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not)

Post by BP Shooter Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:39 am

Hi Andy,
It’s. Is sure worth a shot! We just need to keep doing what we can do! Have you been diagnosed with anything that would explain the fatigue?

BP Shooter

Posts : 5
Join date : 2019-04-04

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Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease.  I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not) Empty Re: Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease. I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not)

Post by BP Shooter Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:40 am

Hi Andy,
It’s. Is sure worth a shot! We just need to keep doing what we can do! Have you been diagnosed with anything that would explain the fatigue?

BP Shooter

Posts : 5
Join date : 2019-04-04

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Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease.  I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not) Empty Re: Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease. I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not)

Post by OldShooter43 Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:22 pm

Never give up!


Posts : 244
Join date : 2018-05-19
Location : Williamsburg, VA

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Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease.  I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not) Empty Re: Hi. Just signed up & I have a Parkinsonism, which is similar to, but not exactly the disease. I have no tremors (about 30% of those with Parkinson’s do not)

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