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Tw25b gun Grease or Neco Moly-slide

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Tw25b gun Grease or Neco Moly-slide Empty Tw25b gun Grease or Neco Moly-slide

Post by SW-52 4/6/2019, 10:01 am

Hi people,i read on larrys guns about a product Hammerli Recommend for use in sear and hammer named Neco Moly slide. I use TW25b in my AR-15 and walther ppq and is great product. Is TW25b recommended for use in hammerli for lubricate hammer and sear parts?? Thanks!!

Posts : 808
Join date : 2015-07-20
Age : 40

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Tw25b gun Grease or Neco Moly-slide Empty Re: Tw25b gun Grease or Neco Moly-slide

Post by BE Mike 4/6/2019, 10:13 am

I've always done what Larry recommended. He was THE man when it came to the Hammerli. I use and really like TW25B on carry guns and AR's.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Tw25b gun Grease or Neco Moly-slide Empty Re: Tw25b gun Grease or Neco Moly-slide

Post by SW-52 4/6/2019, 10:51 am

BE Mike wrote:I've always done what Larry recommended. He was THE man when it came to the Hammerli. I use and really like TW25B on carry guns and AR's.
Thank mike!

Posts : 808
Join date : 2015-07-20
Age : 40

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