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Source for Benelli recoil springs?

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Source for Benelli recoil springs? Empty Source for Benelli recoil springs?

Post by Mike38 4/11/2019, 5:37 pm

Has anyone found a source for recoil springs for the Benelli MP90 / MP95? I contacted Wolff, and they were not interested in making any because of low sales to limited pistols in the USA. But they did ask me to take some measurements of one I have, and they would compare my measurements to all existing springs they currently manufacture. The best / closest one they have is for a Walther P38 Compact. It's same diameter, 0.350 longer, has 14 less coils, and a wire size 0.006 smaller. They said it "might work" but no guarantees.  Has anyone tried this Walther spring in a Benelli?

Also, I'm looking for a Benelli firing pin for the .32 wad cutter. Any leads?

Both my Benelli pistols have been temporarily retired until replacement parts become available. I sure do miss shooting them.

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Source for Benelli recoil springs? Empty Re: Source for Benelli recoil springs?

Post by oldsalt444 4/11/2019, 8:33 pm

I'd give the Walther spring a try.  Springs are cheap.  Perhaps one from a Ruger Mk 2 or 3 would work. 

 I need a mainspring for my MP95e, so I experimented with a mainspring from a 1911. I cut it about .25" longer than the Benelli original.  It makes a sufficient dent in the cartridge, but misfires still occur way too often.  Must be the firing pin.  I'm thinking about removing a small amount of material from the back of the firing pin stop (that funny square plate on the end of the pin) where it contacts the bolt.  Not too much, maybe .005-.010" to let it travel a bit extra.  This is "shade tree" gunsmithing, so if any of you experienced smiths out there could advise, I'd like to hear from you.

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Source for Benelli recoil springs? Empty Re: Source for Benelli recoil springs?

Post by -TT- 4/12/2019, 2:42 pm

I happen to have a new unused recoil spring for my .22-cal MP90S and took some measurements for you. I hope to organize this more carefully, but for now:

New recoil spring:

Unloaded length 12cm (4.75")
Wire diameter .66mm (.026")
Spring outer diameter 5.25mm (.206")
Coil count 60

The new spring compresses by 1" per 3lb of working load, i.e. it compresses from 4" long with 1lb and goes down to 3" long with 4lb.
The fully-loaded minimum length is just over 2".

For comparison, my in-use spring starts at 4.5" long, unloaded, then is 4" long with 1lb and about 2.75" with 4lb. The pistol is cycling fine with this spring.

When I bought the gun, Larry told me to toss the factory buffer, sold me one of his rock-hard replacement buffers and said to replace the recoil spring only "when the buffer looked beat-up". It doesn't look that way yet (over 20k rounds of SK Pistol Match ammo). He didn't seem to think the springs were much of a trouble spot. Mainly he said to keep the firing pin and chamber clean.

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Source for Benelli recoil springs? Empty Re: Source for Benelli recoil springs?

Post by -TT- 4/12/2019, 2:48 pm

oldsalt, regarding the firing pin, I really wouldn't try lengthening it. In my experience, they actually get *longer* with time, and filing that rear flange is only going to weaken it.

What was wrong with the original mainspring? Getting into that trigger assembly is going to release a lot of gremlins, I think. To say nothing of the hammer force and cocking resistance that a changed mainspring will affect.

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Source for Benelli recoil springs? Empty Re: Source for Benelli recoil springs?

Post by oldsalt444 4/12/2019, 4:37 pm

-TT- wrote:oldsalt, regarding the firing pin, I really wouldn't try lengthening it. In my experience, they actually get *longer* with time, and filing that rear flange is only going to weaken it.

What was wrong with the original mainspring? Getting into that trigger assembly is going to release a lot of gremlins, I think. To say nothing of the hammer force and cocking resistance that a changed mainspring will affect.

The problem is frequent light strikes, about one in every 3-5 rounds.  Had this problem previously, and replacing the mainspring and firing pin solved the issue.  Also replaced the buffer, recoil spring, and extractor at the same time.  It worked great for several years.

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Source for Benelli recoil springs? Empty Re: Source for Benelli recoil springs?

Post by -TT- 4/12/2019, 7:01 pm

oldsalt444 wrote:replacing the mainspring and firing pin solved the issue.  Also replaced the buffer, recoil spring, and extractor at the same time.

Yipes so any of those could have fixed it. Honestly the firing pin is the most likely suspect, but unless you happen to have one, that may be difficult without buying a ticket to Urbino.

Is the bolt closing fully, going _completely_ into battery? Recoil spring, extractor, etc could affect that. A bashed-up buffer can cause issues on non-first rounds, perhaps. I'd be skeptical of blaming the mainspring, but if it was replaced before, well, it could have been slightly out of spec three years ago and now totally out.

Given the non-availability of parts in the US right now, I'd focus on ideas that aren't irreversible (i.e. don't file the firing pin). MHO.

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Source for Benelli recoil springs? Empty Re: Source for Benelli recoil springs?

Post by SW-52 4/12/2019, 8:34 pm

Mike38 wrote:Has anyone found a source for recoil springs for the Benelli MP90 / MP95? I contacted Wolff, and they were not interested in making any because of low sales to limited pistols in the USA. But they did ask me to take some measurements of one I have, and they would compare my measurements to all existing springs they currently manufacture. The best / closest one they have is for a Walther P38 Compact. It's same diameter, 0.350 longer, has 14 less coils, and a wire size 0.006 smaller. They said it "might work" but no guarantees.  Has anyone tried this Walther spring in a Benelli?

Also, I'm looking for a Benelli firing pin for the .32 wad cutter. Any leads?

Both my Benelli pistols have been temporarily retired until replacement parts become available. I sure do miss shooting them.
same with Hammerli,thanks to God Interarms in texas sell hammerli 208s recoil springs for standard and low velocity.

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Source for Benelli recoil springs? Empty Re: Source for Benelli recoil springs?

Post by croesler 6/7/2019, 6:39 pm

Try www.glockparts.eu, or email Leo at info@glockparts.eu.  He has most and is a dealer for Benelli.  Also a world-class shooter and champion.

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