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Giles and model 41s

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Giles and model 41s Empty Giles and model 41s

Post by TAJ45 11/10/2012, 8:58 pm

Did Mr. Giles "do" 41s? I wasn't aware of him working the HS of the day till a few years back. I missed a Bob Chow 41 a few years back and am still kicking myself for dawdling...........le sigh. Crying or Very sad

I do have a hvy slide wad .45 by Mr. Giles - luv that one for sure.

Tom Nikitas/TAJ45


Posts : 48
Join date : 2011-06-10

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Giles and model 41s Empty Re: Giles and model 41s

Post by Colt711 11/11/2012, 11:53 pm

Giles apparently did gunsmithing work or "partial" jobs upon occasion. Since moving to Florida and working on a club's public range I have encountered 2 older Hi Std's with his always recognizable sights. Both had been obtained from neighbors or aquaintences of Mr. Giles. I stopped in his shop in 1973 and he made a few adjustments on one of his .22 HS's I had obtained used. I had a friend's Victor along and inquired about just a trigger job. He would have but the time factor was too long.

Apparently he did "runs" of particular guns as when I called about doing my new HS Mil Frame he told me to " send it in Feb as I'll be doing .22's then". This was several mo's prior.

I imagine some of his guns are lost to us as he seemed to only mark ribs and maybe sights. I obtained a .38 from a gun store w/ a new .38 Super SS mag in it at an attractive price. THe rear sight was the only indication.



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Join date : 2012-06-07
Age : 83
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