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Excellent animation of how a 1911 works

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Excellent animation of how a 1911 works Empty Excellent animation of how a 1911 works

Post by mikemyers Tue Apr 23, 2019 2:22 am

I found an animation last night that does a far better job of explaining how many parts of a 1911 work than anything I've yet found.  I've watched lots of these videos, but never really "got" the relationship between the sear, the disconnector, and the other related parts.  After watching this video a dozen or so times, I think I now understand.  I still intend to completely disassemble one of my 1911's, and re-assemble it, but until now, I never knew how some of these parts worked together.

The animation and computer 3D design is so good, I wish he had gone on to show how other parts in a 1911 function, but where I was lost before he has made perfectly clear.


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