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Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S

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Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S - Page 2 Empty Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S

Post by mikemyers 5/4/2019, 11:51 am

First topic message reminder :

Several years ago, a friend of my brother was cleaning out guns from his collection.  In addition to my High Standard, I bought a Taurus PT92S from him, as it was a very inexpensive way to get something that shoots 9mm, and the more I held it, the more I wanted it.  The price was pretty low, so I said what the heck, and brought it home.  It wasn't anything to be serious about.  It did not come with adjustable rear sights, although Taurus did make a version that included them.  I've shot it a few times - it shoots low and the the left.  It's pretty nice in many ways though - so simple to work on.  So I bought a set of Hogue Grips to dress it up, and every so often I'd take it to the range.

9mm is so inexpensive to shoot, I thought it would be a gun to just take to the range and enjoy shooting, when not being "serious".  I did find out that adjustable rear sights had been available, but none could be found.  Then I found this video on a newer version of the PT92S:
(I left him a message - the way he lowers his head, his glasses give him no eye protection, and the only shot that he didn't blink for was the first.)
(My gun has no magazine issues, other than that I only have one of them, and also no lock.)

That video got me wondering about the gun, so I did a little searching and found that adjustable rear sights are available again:

In fact, Brownell's has them:

Two reasons for posting this thread:
First, has anyone here used a PT92 and installed these sights, and
Second, is it any good at shooting Bullseye, which it certainly was not made for?

Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S - Page 2 TPU29TS07

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Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S - Page 2 Empty Re: Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S

Post by mikemyers 5/6/2019, 12:57 pm

My plan has been to order 10 boxes.  I suspect I'll like them, but I don't really like the ammo I've been buying at all.  Silly me, I never thought there was an alternative.

Thanks for the offer.  So much to do.  The very first thing is shopping  I've got my list of what to buy, but I figure I should wait until I'm home, before ordering anything, just in case the flight somehow gets delayed.  M-52 ammo (from two sources), the 9mm ammo, the spring and maybe the sight for Taurus, the gun rest, and maybe the brass marker.

Hmmm, just read LenV's post.  Feeding problems.  Maybe a smaller order would be good, before I order too many, and maybe I should get some RN as well as HP, to compare.  I haven't had feeding problems with the over the counter 9mm I've been buying, one box at a time, from various sources.  The gun seems to be rather bullet-proof so far, no issues.

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Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S - Page 2 Empty Re: Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S

Post by Jack H 5/6/2019, 1:40 pm

I have that sight on my two 92fs ball guns.  Got my final leg with one.
Jack H
Jack H

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Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S - Page 2 Empty Re: Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S

Post by mikemyers 6/3/2019, 8:17 pm

mustachio wrote:I'd be happy to help  you when you get home. Let me know.
I would order at least 250 (5 boxes) of the 147 gr. Don't buy too much in case you don't like them.
Got home a few weeks back.  I ordered the 5 boxes of 147 grain ammo, and you are completely right, the gun is already much more enjoyable to shoot.  Since then, I've found out that Zero Manufacturing also sells ammo with that load.

I bought all the other suggested parts as well, the sight, spring, and pin.  I'm working on too many other guns right now to start taking this one apart, but making the suggested changes sounds pretty simple.

Thanks again for your suggestions and feedback.  I think this is the only thread in the Bullseye Forum about the Taurus, so I'll post any updates here.  

Other than days when I've got appointments, etc., I've been getting to the range almost every day.  I think I want fewer "projects" and more "shooting".  My 45 was. coming along OK, but I had issues with the rail, and the new rail needs a small change so the Kodiak mount for my Aimpoint sight will fit on it.  Since I can't set it up the way I want it to be, temporarily it has my Aimpoint 9000sc on it.  Will find out tomorrow if that even works.  I had my second 52 working fine, but today it wasn't feeding reliably.  I'm 99% sure I've got to go back and fix the magazine - again.  Last time I fixed it, it solved all my loading problems.  My Model 41 has been working flawlessly for years, but I think it's telling me it wants a more detailed teardown than what I usually do.  Will test it tomorrow, then do the full teardown (at which time I'd like to make the trigger a little lighter too).  My fun plan for tomorrow is to take one of my revolvers.  They never complain, they just work!  For tomorrow this will be the Model 14 I bought before leaving for India, and I haven't taken the time to use it very much yet.  (I'd like to find a nice 22 revolver that's equally accurate!)

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Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S - Page 2 Empty Re: Thinking of adding an adjustable rear sight to my Taurus PT92S

Post by mustachio 6/3/2019, 8:22 pm

If you ever want to come up to the WPB club I belong to and meet the 'guys', let me know. I know you would have fun. Not too many of them shoot the 45, so you would be a welcome addition.

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