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Shot a personal best

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Shot a personal best Empty Shot a personal best

Post by troystaten 5/7/2019, 4:16 pm

Was at the range on Friday morning and was not in a good mood because of a difficult client so I figured I would shoot like crap but I shot my first 100 (one shot just kissed the 10 ring) and a 296/300.  This was on a B-8 target at 25 yards with my model 41.  I only had 7 X's on the 296 but for  change I did kept everything inside of the 9 ring and did not through out a few 7's to mess things up.  Anyway I don't have too many people I can talk about this with so I put it here.  Smile


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Shot a personal best Empty Re: Shot a personal best

Post by Wobbley 5/7/2019, 4:49 pm


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Shot a personal best Empty Re: Shot a personal best

Post by Mike38 5/7/2019, 5:50 pm

Nice. I've shot Bullseye for 6 years, 4 back in the late 90's and 2 most recently. I have yet to shoot a 100. A few 99s, but no 100s. Last Saturday I was training with my .32 wadcutter. Shot a 5 round timed fire, felt good, looked through the scope, a 50-4x. Never should have looked, shot number 6 was a 7, then the rest 9s...… But hey, at least I called that 7.

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Age : 65
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Shot a personal best Empty Re: Shot a personal best

Post by troystaten 5/7/2019, 7:56 pm

Hey Mike the week before last I picked up the 22 and the first 4 shots where X's and the next shot was a 10.  I reloaded and shot 1 more X, 3 tens and then a 7.  Sometimes that 6 inches between the ears can really mess with me. Rolling Eyes


Posts : 837
Join date : 2012-04-18

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Shot a personal best Empty Re: Shot a personal best

Post by troystaten 5/9/2019, 11:02 pm

Finally figured out how to get into my photobucket account.  Here's the target.

Shot a personal best 296[/URL]


Posts : 837
Join date : 2012-04-18

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Shot a personal best Empty Re: Shot a personal best

Post by WesG 5/10/2019, 1:07 am

Some of the best days I had riding dirt bikes were when I woke up not feeling like going at all. But I 'forced' myself just because all my friends were going to be there.

No expectations, no pressure. I've had a few days like that with the rifle as well. Shots offhand catching me by surprise, and coming up 10's and X's.

It's getting the brain out of the way of letting the body do what it knows how to do. Just need a way to program ourselves to function like this under 'pressure'.

Somehow, I managed to do it while shooting for my rifle badge. Not so much while pursuing my HM card. I think it had something to do with HM being one of my original goals, while DR was something that just sort of accidently popped up as a possibility along the way. Didn't care, made it easy.


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Join date : 2018-09-21
Location : Cedar Park, TX - N CA

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