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Polishing 45 ACP chamber

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Polishing 45 ACP chamber Empty Polishing 45 ACP chamber

Post by WillH 5/9/2019, 3:02 pm

I've got a SARO and it appears to have developed a bit of abrasion in the chamber where the bullet tips / brass rides up.  Gun has maybe 7500 rounds through it. At times I have FTF when it gets dirty -  which I never used to get. Thinking it may contribute to the occasional FTF but unsure really.  Should I be afraid to polish the chamber mouth area and ramp with a dremel felt tip with fine rouge?   Not planning to remove material and just smooth things up but not sure how critical things are there in terms of tolerances and affects on accuracy and feeding.

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Join date : 2017-04-27
Location : Suffolk, VA

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Polishing 45 ACP chamber Empty Re: Polishing 45 ACP chamber

Post by Jon Eulette 5/9/2019, 3:58 pm

You can polish the barrels feed ramp or throat as it can be referred to. You can partially polish the entrance from the feed ramp into the barrel it is known as a rollover point. The cartridge has to smoothly transition from the feed ramp into the chamber. This will help that. Do not polish inside the chamber! Cratex and a Dremel tool should get the job done for you.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Polishing 45 ACP chamber Empty Re: Polishing 45 ACP chamber

Post by WillH 5/9/2019, 6:06 pm

Thanks for the advice Jon.  Glad I asked since I had seen some Youtube videos where both the chamber and ramp were polished and it made me pause.  I won't do that and will limit the work to the area you mentioned.  Just curious but what bad happens with going into the chamber?

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Join date : 2017-04-27
Location : Suffolk, VA

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Polishing 45 ACP chamber Empty Re: Polishing 45 ACP chamber

Post by pgg 5/12/2019, 7:28 pm

This is what you seek:


See my thread with a similar issue here:



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Join date : 2015-11-21

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Polishing 45 ACP chamber Empty Re: Polishing 45 ACP chamber

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