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Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards

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Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards  Empty Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards

Post by Sheriff1962 Fri May 10, 2019 9:11 pm

How do the two loadings from Atlanta Arms compare at 50 yards ? 115jhp and 115 fmj AMU.


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Join date : 2018-07-04

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Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards  Empty Re: Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards

Post by dronning Fri May 10, 2019 10:50 pm

Sheriff1962 wrote:How do the two loadings from Atlanta Arms compare at 50 yards ? 115jhp and 115 fmj AMU.
Not enough difference to matter.  
9MM 115GR JHP Match
Accuracy test requirement: 5 ten-shot groups at 50 yards, with an average group size not to exceed 1.25 inches. (Fired from a Match Grade barrel fixture) Minor Power Factor

9MM 115GR FMJ Match AMU
Accuracy test requirement: 5 ten-shot groups at 50 yards with an average group size not to exceed 1.5 inches. (Fired from a Match Grade barrel fixture Minor Power Factor 

- Dave

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Age : 71
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Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards  Empty Re: Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards

Post by Sheriff1962 Sat May 11, 2019 11:22 am

So basically shouldn't make any difference.   I did notice 115jhp shooting a little softer compared to 115 AMU load.


Posts : 176
Join date : 2018-07-04

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Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards  Empty Re: Atlanta Arms Elite 115jhp vs 115 FMJ (AMU) at 50 yards

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