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How often to clean a target 1911

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How often to clean a target 1911 Empty How often to clean a target 1911

Post by Sheriff1962 5/11/2019, 4:43 pm

How often do You clean Your target 1911's?


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Join date : 2018-07-04

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How often to clean a target 1911 Empty Re: How often to clean a target 1911

Post by Tim:H11 5/11/2019, 5:35 pm

I try to keep an eye on my feed ramp. I shoot Bullseye powder and that stuff is pretty dirty. It tends to gunk up the feed ramp after a while. If I notice it’s getting bad I may clean it. I have let it go before until it had a failure to go into battery. And it was REALY dirty then. I don’t have a round count. Maybe 500 or so rounds then clean. Maybe more. I add lubricant to the slide and barrel where it contacts the bushing as I shoot through those numbers, to keep it from hurting itself over time but that’s about it. More abusive to constantly take it apart.

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How often to clean a target 1911 Empty Re: How often to clean a target 1911

Post by 243winxb 5/11/2019, 9:11 pm

Shooting cast lead with Bullseye. 
 Clean gun  when there is a malfunction, while practicing. The case head has to slide up the bolt face and under the extractor freely. A tooth brush works .
Don't forget the magazines. 

If going to a match, clean and fire some rounds to check function & zero before going.

I dont have a set number of rounds fired , to clean.  When i see dirt building up in the circled area , i clean it, but not always the bore.  Cast bullet lube conditions the bore.

Break Free CLP  on slide rails and  barrel bushing. Dont run a dry gun.
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