Cant win ahhh!
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Cant win ahhh!
I bought a Ruger 6'' Gp-100 some time ago to use in this wonderfull sport....well after reapeated attempts to get good groups I mounted a scope to really be able to see for sure wahts the deal is....with 148gr LHBWC's using BE/WST , Horniday, Magnus, Remington bullets....1.75 @ 25yds is it....But with full power .357mags using 125gr XTP's and 2400 powder this thing will shoot under 3/4'' at 25yds all day....most groups are right at 5/8'' I take up coyote hunting get some use out this gun....its so hard to find hunting spots that it's almost not evne worth looking the gun is up for sale/trade ....I almost wonder if a speacil sized DEWC of like .356 would even things out.....the reason I say this is the XTP's on my caliper measure .3555....and they shoot I wonder if going with a .356 DEWC would work?
Paper-Puncher- Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-09-22
Age : 59
Location : Ohio
Re: Cant win ahhh!
Did you try that "fire lapping" procedure yet to clear that constriction that is at the frame/barrel junction on those GP-100's?
Rob Kovach- Admin
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Re: Cant win ahhh!
No....I may have to...
Paper-Puncher- Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-09-22
Age : 59
Location : Ohio
Re: Cant win ahhh!
actaully this is turning out to be a good thing......since the gun would nt play nice with target showed its true a magnum....very accurate...with 125gr XTP's......shot a 5 shot group tonight at 100yds from a very nice bench set up and bags....5 shots c-t-c ..3'' ......will use this sweety for coyote callin.....and just focus on the .22 & .45 for BE....havent huntin in yrs...going callin in the morning.....hope to whistle up a dog.!!!tommorows 10 ring will have some fur
Paper-Puncher- Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-09-22
Age : 59
Location : Ohio
Re: Cant win ahhh!
Just gotta luv them ten rings in the middle of the furry. I have a 257 Wby chambering on a model 70 w/no free bore that loves to be pushed to max. The groups just keep shrinking. I can hold fur out to 350 on a yote and have results with the 100gr @ 3700 muzzle.
Hope you get to air it out while ventilating a song dog. Report back to us.
Hope you get to air it out while ventilating a song dog. Report back to us.
TAJ45- Posts : 48
Join date : 2011-06-10
Re: Cant win ahhh!
Eastern yotes tend to be more wood dwellers.....I typical set up for me with the handgun is to set up 75-100 yds up wind of a woods and when the yote folloews the fence row trying to go down wind of the sound ...he runs right into my range of favorite morning calls are rodent distress first off followed by coyote barks mixed up with fox distress....a coyote will kill a fox at any a few barks on a open reed followed by fox distress is a common tactic I use....while most just stick to the rabbit distress.....pretty amazing what a 125gr xtp will do to a yote @ 125yds...smack'um right in the shoulder so the bullet gets maximum upset.......that .257 wby has to be a trip to personal fav was the .22-250 ACKLY improved.....1 in 10 with a 60gr bullet....personal best with that gun was a 510 yd groundhog ...called head shot.
Eastern yotes tend to be more wood dwellers.....I typical set up for me with the handgun is to set up 75-100 yds up wind of a woods and when the yote folloews the fence row trying to go down wind of the sound ...he runs right into my range of favorite morning calls are rodent distress first off followed by coyote barks mixed up with fox distress....a coyote will kill a fox at any a few barks on a open reed followed by fox distress is a common tactic I use....while most just stick to the rabbit distress.....pretty amazing what a 125gr xtp will do to a yote @ 125yds...smack'um right in the shoulder so the bullet gets maximum upset.......that .257 wby has to be a trip to personal fav was the .22-250 ACKLY improved.....1 in 10 with a 60gr bullet....personal best with that gun was a 510 yd groundhog ...called head shot.
Paper-Puncher- Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-09-22
Age : 59
Location : Ohio
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