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Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match

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Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Empty Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match

Post by Jolman Tue May 21, 2019 7:22 am

This is my first post on this forum.
I know Russian steel case ammo is generally regarded, at best as nothing more than blasting ammo. I have noticed that 9mm Tula is very accurate and thought that I would test the ammo against the best available target ammo. I used Tangfolio Limited Custom from a solid rest at 25 yards. I fired ten 5 shot groups of each type of ammo and posting the best groups. I think that results are astounding.
Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Attachment
4EE8705D-F78E-47A2-99E3-97E837C56A4D.jpeg You don't have permission to download attachments.(125 Kb) Downloaded 6 times
Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Attachment
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Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Attachment
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Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Attachment
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Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Attachment
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Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-05-20

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Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Empty Re: Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match

Post by Jolman Tue May 21, 2019 7:23 am

Here are the Tula groups
Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Attachment
A2D61A8B-735B-4B62-8382-B8872E0F0622.jpeg You don't have permission to download attachments.(49 Kb) Downloaded 5 times
Tula vs Lapua, Atlanta Arms and Nosler Match Attachment
8D0C3D24-8293-441E-BAA0-6DB114CE307D.jpeg You don't have permission to download attachments.(67 Kb) Downloaded 3 times


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-05-20

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