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Need help, some wild shots

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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Need help, some wild shots

Post by chopper 5/23/2019, 10:35 am

I'm probably diagnosing my own issue but here goes. I was shooting Saturday and had some decent slow and TF targets then came RF and they opened up, and btw I'm right handed. I not only had shots go low left and up right, but left and right all in the white.
  "I'm thinking grip issue, but also squeezing while pulling the trigger." This was my first 2700 since getting pneumonia in early April and didn't train much for it. I was gassed by the end of 45 stages, but these problems also showed up a little in 22 stages and more in CF and 45 stages.
  Do some of you have any excercizes or training ideas I could practice, or maybe it's something else going on, the season is just starting for me.
Thanks much, Stan


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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Re: Need help, some wild shots

Post by dronning 5/23/2019, 12:13 pm

Since it was all over the place the first thing I'd look at is a loose grip.

Are you following your shot process when you grip the gun.
What helped me after carpal tunnel surgery was the mantra "tighter grip smaller groups", anything to keep you on your process.
- Dave

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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Re: Need help, some wild shots

Post by adminbot1911 5/23/2019, 1:56 pm

Everybody is different and it is really tough to diagnose what's going on without watching you but I can take a guess at one pattern. 

When my shots go low and left it's usually during rapid fire like you and it's almost always because I begin rushing through the end of my squeeze, which is pushing the muzzle just a hair down and to the left at trigger break.

I fix it by rapid fire dry fire and by chanting "sights sights sights sights" while going through the muscle memory trigger squeeze.  It still happens every once in a while if I "get out of the gate" a little slowly on my first rapid fire shot.

Next I'd ensure follow-through is happening as mentioned above and that your sight picture is staying disciplined through the string.  When starting in BE my shots would go AWOL when I lost sight of the sights and looked at the target to see where my last shot had hit and didn't focus on the sights again before my next squeeze.

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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Re: Need help, some wild shots

Post by chopper 5/23/2019, 3:31 pm

Dave, after finishing the 22 match, I started to tighten my grip some, but I think I was squeezing my fingers while pulling the trigger, any cure for that?
  Admin, I was out of the gate slow on RF also, so the low lefts were jerks most likely. I'll have to start dry firing RF with the revolver more, haven't done that in a long while. 
  I really needed to keep my head in the game better.


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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Re: Need help, some wild shots

Post by Aprilian 5/23/2019, 4:23 pm

Since your lung capacity might come into play...   my shot process is "long exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale the pistol up, exhale partially while lowering.

If it doesn't help with your shots, it should help with re-establishing your lung capacity.

Best of luck.

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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Re: Need help, some wild shots

Post by chopper 5/23/2019, 4:40 pm

Thanks Ian, I just tried that and after a cough, I can say that department definitely needs work. I'm going to work on that also, I need to get in better shape for the Regional at Oakdale, it'll be my first time there. Thanks 


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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Re: Need help, some wild shots

Post by dronning 5/23/2019, 8:34 pm

chopper wrote:I need to get in better shape for the Regional at Oakdale, it'll be my first time there. Thanks 
C U there!

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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Re: Need help, some wild shots

Post by adminbot1911 5/24/2019, 6:50 am

chopper wrote:Dave, after finishing the 22 match, I started to tighten my grip some, but I think I was squeezing my fingers while pulling the trigger, any cure for that?
  Admin, I was out of the gate slow on RF also, so the low lefts were jerks most likely. I'll have to start dry firing RF with the revolver more, haven't done that in a long while. 
  I really needed to keep my head in the game better.

This was with revolver?  Get those dry fire reps in, on a timer.  Pay attention to how your grip evolves throughout the 10 seconds of RF.

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 Need help, some wild shots Empty Re: Need help, some wild shots

Post by chopper 5/24/2019, 8:29 am

Admin, I was using a HighStandard and a 1911. I was going to dry fire RF with a revolver and use my Bullseye app to time with. I used to dry fire with the HS and 1911 using the apps 1-shot drill, those do help too.
 Thank you, Stan


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