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Volquartsen Mark III V-6

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Volquartsen Mark III V-6 Empty Volquartsen Mark III V-6

Post by cundiff5535 Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:37 pm

Curious if anyone has shot one of these? I have been wanting one for at least a year and now have the funds to be able to order one. at 1300 or so and not having shot one myself... can anyone tell me how they shoot?


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Volquartsen Mark III V-6 Empty Re: Volquartsen Mark III V-6

Post by Rob Kovach Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:18 pm

I've shot Volquartsen mark 3's with all those goodies but the one I shot had a stock barrel. They shoot great, but I can't shoot anything with that grip angle. It just doesn't work for me.

I have also shot bone stock mark 3's and they are plenty accurate, and I've never had any trouble with the stock triggers on them. Maybe just get the stock one and use the leftovers for a 1911 RO or some reloading supplies?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Volquartsen Mark III V-6 Empty Re: Volquartsen Mark III V-6

Post by cundiff5535 Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:23 pm

Rob... I already have more reloading stuff than I know what to do with (2 XL 650's & 2 Super 1050's)... and I own 10 Kimbers and about 10 Colt 1911's. I am trying to fill a specific need with the V-6 but, I keep asking myself if its the smartest thing to buy. If I am spending VQ money, I could get a S&W 41 or a High Standard .22... and I know the 41 and HS are never ever going to lose value. I typically like to buy pistols that I know I can resell for close to what I buy them for at.

Anyway, thanks for the tips and info... still looking for a actual feedback from a hands on V-6 shooter!!

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Volquartsen Mark III V-6 Empty Re: Volquartsen Mark III V-6

Post by Rob Kovach Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:08 pm

You don't need the feedback of an actual V-6 shooter because the VQ V-6 barrel is going to be an improvement over the VQ that I shot. Your Original post was to "tell me how they shoot". I assure you it will shoot the same as the VQ that I shot. The barrel doesn't change how it feels to the shooter. It shoots good. If that's the .22 you want, it's a good pistol--get it! I have shot a HS with a VQ barrel on it, also. VQ barrels are good.

I'm afraid you won't find someone on the forum that has first hand V-6 experience. VQ doesn't sell a ton of those things, and there are only a couple thousand people on this forum. There isn't even a you tube video about one yet.

All of the .22's you mentioned in your price range will be accurate enough to shoot master scores. VQ stands behind their products and are good quality. I can't say that for current production HS--both bad service and poor quality. S&W current production 41's have some issues as well. Vintage HS's and Vintage 41's need to be well vetted before committing to buy as well but you can get them cheaper that the VQ you like.

Anybody that says the VQ isn't good is just wrong. If the V-6 is what you want just get it. If it's accurate shooting you are asking about, that is assured. If you are concerned that resale would be difficult, I can't speak to that. Your second post doesn't talk at all about wondering how it shoots but if it is a good value. I don't worry about that stuff because I don't resell the guns I buy. Who cares about resale if you love the gun?

If there is anyone on the forum that has seen a V-6 in person, let cundiff know what you think?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Volquartsen Mark III V-6 Empty Re: Volquartsen Mark III V-6

Post by cundiff5535 Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:31 pm

Rob, you make some vary valid points...

Thank you!

I'll probably order one in the next few month's !

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Age : 44
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