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M41 functioning problem

Fred T
Jack H
Rob Kovach
BE Mike
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M41 functioning problem - Page 2 Empty M41 functioning problem

Post by JLK 11/29/2012, 11:00 am

First topic message reminder :

I have an "A" series M41 I've owned since the mid 1970's.
It's not now my primary .22 but I still enjoy shooting it and
would like it to function alibi free.
It can't go a 900 without at least once, usually more, jamming.
The spent case gets caught at an angle, usually 90 degrees to the bore line, and
is trapped between the fresh round trying to feed from the magazine and the
underneath of the rib.
I've experimented over the years trying to solve the problem but to no avail.
Can anyone help?

Posts : 146
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 73
Location : NE Ohio

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M41 functioning problem - Page 2 Empty Re: M41 functioning problem

Post by Fred T 12/27/2012, 5:26 pm


YEs there is a boat available but likely not necessary, I have an A series as well, I am betting that the problem is not as dificult as you think.

Fred T

Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-06-12

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M41 functioning problem - Page 2 Empty M41 update

Post by JLK 2/4/2013, 7:49 am

I took Fred T up on his offer to help.
Fred, is a fellow Canton McKinley club member and owns Kodiak Machine. He makes the bases for the
Aimpoint Micros used by folks like Brian Zins, Steve Reiter and others. And also coaches the junior
team that has won multiple National Championships.
Fred had the pistol for a little over a week, long enough to wave his magic wand, and I'm happy to report
that so far it's working great.
I won't jinx myself by saying how many rounds and only time will tell but so far so good.
This is the second or third time Fred has bailed my out of a problem and I can't thank him enough.
One of the great folks I've met since moving back to the area in 2010.
Thanks Fred!

Posts : 146
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 73
Location : NE Ohio

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M41 functioning problem - Page 2 Empty Slightly Different Functioning issue

Post by calie.madison 2/16/2013, 4:32 pm

MY 41 is approx 5 years old. I am having and issue with the second round not feeding. The first round fires and fully ejects, the second round is not feeding. I have 6 mags. I have marked the three that seem to be the issue. I have compared all 6 mags and do not see any diffferences. Any suggestions would be great.

Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-02-16

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