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Whats the deal with 9mm

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Whats the deal with 9mm Empty Whats the deal with 9mm

Post by orpheoet 6/10/2019, 12:00 am

I've been struggling with reloading 9mm JHP. I realized tonight that I'm probably overcrimping. I'm working with Zero 115gr JHP. Do I understand correctly that minimal crimp is ideal? My .45 loads seem pretty good but 9 mm has proven challenging. I guess I'm looking for good fundamental techniques with 9mm and how they differ from .45. KKM 1-18 barrel. Thanks

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Whats the deal with 9mm Empty Re: Whats the deal with 9mm

Post by LenV 6/10/2019, 1:48 am

1: 18 you have to run them hot. I use 6.4 gr Power Pistol on my 115gr bullets. With a light taper crimp.


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Whats the deal with 9mm Empty Re: Whats the deal with 9mm

Post by Bigtrout 6/10/2019, 8:04 am

9mm overcrimping usually results in bullet setback in the magazine due to case mouth deformity.  Better to just crimp enough to remove the flare.  In the case of a revolver it will result in crimp jump.   I'd recommend the Lee Factory Crimp die.

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Whats the deal with 9mm Empty Re: Whats the deal with 9mm

Post by james r chapman 6/10/2019, 8:17 am

Probably like rifles jacketed bullets rely on neck tension. Just get rid of the slight belling
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Whats the deal with 9mm Empty Re: Whats the deal with 9mm

Post by zanemoseley 6/10/2019, 8:31 am

Loading JHP as others have said, just remove the flare/bell of the case, can't get away with a tight crimp like with lead bullets.


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Whats the deal with 9mm Empty Re: Whats the deal with 9mm

Post by ruger15151 6/10/2019, 2:52 pm

Your crimp should measure .378 - .379 depending on the diameter of your bullet. Most 9mm cases have a wall thickness of .011.  Zero 9mm JHPs are about .3555 in diameter.

                  .356 (bullet) + .022 (both case wall thickness) = .378 crimp

Any less you will not have removed all the bell and any more and you are swagging the bullet.

Hope that helps.


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Whats the deal with 9mm Empty Re: Whats the deal with 9mm

Post by inthebeech 6/11/2019, 5:42 am

Same bullet moving at 1,050 f/s out of my 9mm 1911 (16 inch twist) gave one inch rested groups at 25 yds.  Literally the first load I picked out of a book (Power Pistol).  Not picky at all.  Very slight crimp. Little kick and super accurate.

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