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Never Magdump your reloads

bruce martindale
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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Never Magdump your reloads

Post by Slartybartfast 6/13/2019, 5:24 pm

Unless you're absolutely certain about their reliability.

Taken from a Facebook post:

Repost @hecklerandkoch
by @media.repost:
Today is definitely a Monday at the HK warranty department. 
Customer: "Something is wrong with my USC." 
Us: "Okay, send it in, can't be too bad."
Calls customer: "We aren't going to ask how you did this, just be thankful we use proprietary cannon grade steel, also, we are sending you a bill for a new barrel."

Never Magdump your reloads 62208414_2775506479157287_3810462716921905152_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by jstanfield103 6/13/2019, 6:13 pm

WOW about the only thing I can say. WOW!

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by Wobbley 6/13/2019, 6:50 pm

Seen that in a S&W Model 27... Sad

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by bruce martindale 6/13/2019, 8:24 pm

Standard combat method...in a gunfight, keep shooting .

Don't stop for a squib, shoot it out or plug it up.

bruce martindale

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by zanemoseley 6/13/2019, 8:57 pm

I can't believe the barrel didn't rupture.


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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by gregbenner 6/13/2019, 9:47 pm

Somehow, I don’t think the shooter is a “bullseye shooter”.


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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by Sa-tevp 6/13/2019, 10:04 pm

All the shots must have been as called.  Never Magdump your reloads 2935285009

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by adminbot1911 6/14/2019, 7:30 am

Can't accuse the shooter of staring at the target though, so he's got that going for him, which is nice.

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by DA/SA 6/14/2019, 7:35 am

I saw one a while back where someone plugged up a .45 carbine with 35 rounds and sent it back to the manufacturer for accuracy issues...


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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by Slartybartfast 6/14/2019, 9:07 am

Kind of think that part of firearms training should be firing a squib.
Personally, while I don't have many firearms, ive tested all weights and powers of commercial ammo through each firearm when I got it.
Not for accuracy, as I'm not that good and I don't have even sandbags for to, but to see how each feels.
Ive never had a squib. But odd feeling shots have led me to check and find unejected casing in the chamber. And Im aware enough of what a trigger pull and pin drop feel like to tell the pistol didn't fire.
It's worrying being on the line with people just keep pulling the trigger...

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by jmdavis 6/14/2019, 12:31 pm

As Clint Smith says, "All shooting is precision shooting." Or as I word it, "All shooting should be precision shooting."

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by Slartybartfast 6/15/2019, 12:03 pm

DA/SA wrote:I saw one a while back where someone plugged up a .45 carbine with 35 rounds and sent it back to the manufacturer for accuracy issues...


OMG. 35 rounds. How can you not notice the recoil being all wrong and all the gas being ejected out the back of the firearm?

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by Black_Talon 6/15/2019, 8:35 pm

Slartybartfast wrote:
DA/SA wrote:I saw one a while back where someone plugged up a .45 carbine with 35 rounds and sent it back to the manufacturer for accuracy issues...

How can you not notice the recoil being all wrong and all the gas being ejected out the back of the firearm?

It's a Hi-Point. The guys that shoot these aren't exactly seasoned, high level shooters.

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Never Magdump your reloads Empty Re: Never Magdump your reloads

Post by Al 6/17/2019, 9:40 am

Sa-tevp wrote:All the shots must have been as called.  Never Magdump your reloads 2935285009
Never Magdump your reloads 1710857839 Never Magdump your reloads 1710857839 Never Magdump your reloads 1710857839
At least they were in their area of wobble for the day!


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