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Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Jon Eulette
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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by zanemoseley 6/17/2019, 10:35 am

First topic message reminder :

I'm trying to get a long line load established. I've kind of been shuffling around my standard loads this year. This year I found and love the 160 grain bullet for the short line, since my slide is so heavy I have to push it to 800fps for reliability but am able to get very good groups at 25 and the recoil is noticeably less than my old H&G 68 185gr short line load.

In the past I've used the Magnus #801 at 50 and have been testing some loaded ammo (Zero 185JHP which is right at 850fps). I've even thought of trying the 160 grain bullets at 50 if they hold 2.5" or better since they have less recoil. 

The Zero 185jhp seem very accurate but has more recoil. I'm also recoil sensitive so can't help but wonder if the gains I get from running a semi-hot JHP load are diminished by my ability to execute clean shots with the added recoil. 

So what I'm getting at is what have you guys have better results with,,, JHP or other high recoil yet accurate loads or going with down loaded lighter lead bullets that have less recoil but a bit less accuracy. I considered trying to load JHP and drop the FPS to just over the limit if them being reliable but I've always heard JHP bullets need speed to be the most accurate, for instance I'm not sure how much you would lose dropping from 850 to 750fps. I'm also open to going back to the Magnus #801.

I'm also considering getting a ransom rest. I can sandbag a 22 pretty well at 50 yards but a 45 is a bit harder and my results are often affected by my ability too much. I'm not sure if I'm getting a clear picture of what's going on.


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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Re: Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by joy2shoot 6/18/2019, 11:16 pm

jmdavis wrote:4.3 of Bullseye with the .452 cast 160 (measured diameter .4515+) gave the best results in my RR testing of lead. From the case head to the shoulder of the bullet was .932, ...
Mike, thanks for the info.  I will add it to the list of things to try* along with Steve's 4.4gr N310. I believe Dave Salyer uses 4.5 gr of BE. [All of the previous is for 160 gr LSWC at 50 yd.]
I buy the Brazos 160 as unlubed, uncoated and unsized.  I have a Star Lube-Sizer and it resizes them to 0.4520.  The rim-to-shoulder distance I use is 0.920” and the crimp is 0.469”.
* Don’t know when I will get a chance.  During the season I go to four outdoor 2700s a month and I have some flaws in my shot process that I am currently working to fix.


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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Re: Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by James Hensler 6/21/2019, 10:58 am

I a using N310 with my 45

Zero SWC 200. 3.8 OAL 1.250 speed is 718
Zero SWC 185. 3.8 OAL. 1.250 speed is 697
Groups are very tight but damn that seems a little slow!
This is the load I am shooting at Canton and Perry so I pray it’s ok! Cycles every time with zero failures but I do use a 10lbs spring.
James Hensler
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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Re: Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by lablover 6/21/2019, 2:22 pm

joy2shoot wrote:
SteveT wrote:
I use 4.4gr N310 with 160gr lead. It shoots really well in my guns.
When I get a moment, I will have to try that at 50 yds.  This is the best I could do at 50 yds using a 160 gr bullet, 4.0 N310 on a sandbag.  I called the 8 so it was not a flier, but a bad shot.

Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 50yd10
Slide mounted dot?

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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Re: Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by joy2shoot 6/21/2019, 2:54 pm

lablover wrote:Slide mounted dot?

Yes, slide mounted.  Aimpoint H1.


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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Re: Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by lablover 6/21/2019, 7:18 pm

joy2shoot wrote:
lablover wrote:Slide mounted dot?

Yes, slide mounted.  Aimpoint H1.
Thank you sir.  I think I’m going to try those 160’s at a 1800 this weekend.  Oh boy

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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Re: Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by james r chapman 6/21/2019, 7:46 pm

lablover wrote:
joy2shoot wrote:
lablover wrote:Slide mounted dot?

Yes, slide mounted.  Aimpoint H1.
Thank you sir.  I think I’m going to try those 160’s at a 1800 this weekend.  Oh boy
where you shooting?
james r chapman
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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Re: Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by lablover 6/22/2019, 5:54 am

james r chapman wrote:
lablover wrote:
joy2shoot wrote:
lablover wrote:Slide mounted dot?

Yes, slide mounted.  Aimpoint H1.
Thank you sir.  I think I’m going to try those 160’s at a 1800 this weekend.  Oh boy
where you shooting?

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Strategy for long line 45 loads. - Page 2 Empty Re: Strategy for long line 45 loads.

Post by mhayford45 6/22/2019, 3:36 pm

Interesting chat. 

I have a self made .45 with a Kart barrel and David Sams frame mount dot wit a 12# recoil and 17 # main spring.

I found that Zero 185 SWCHP with 3.6 grains of BE will punch the X out at 50 yards and 3.2 grains of BE will punch the X out at 25 yards. 

Both loads function the side and 3.2 feels great for the short line. 

Funny thing is, when I looked up the old iron sight data that many of the shooters used, these loads were used except for the Zero bullet. As mention the Zero has the same bearing surface as a 200 gr.


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