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COAL Long Line

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COAL Long Line Empty COAL Long Line

Post by estuck 6/29/2019, 3:55 am

My long line load is 4.3g N310, Zero 185g JHP Starline brass. COAL is 1.210, crimp .470. When I measure the rounds the COAL range is anywhere between 1.206 to 1.213. I just loaded 100 rnds with only half being on the money. All pass the drop test in my Lyman gauge. I checked the good one in the barrel of my wadgun. All fit wellbeing just slightly under the hood. I am loading on a Dillon 550, with Dillon seating die, Lee factory crimp die.  I tend to be a bit anal. Am I making too big a deal about this?


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Location : Michigan

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COAL Long Line Empty Re: COAL Long Line

Post by james r chapman 6/29/2019, 4:12 am

My opinion? yes, it's not 1000 yd benchrest. 
measure 10 Zero bullets and see what they very.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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COAL Long Line Empty Re: COAL Long Line

Post by estuck 6/29/2019, 4:26 am

Just measured 10 bullets. Range was .540 to .544. majority was .543. Confirmed my hunch. Making too big of a deal about it.


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Location : Michigan

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COAL Long Line Empty Re: COAL Long Line

Post by SteveT 6/29/2019, 4:27 am

Yeah, what he said. Your load is very close to my load, which I find to be pretty forgiving for variation in OAL and charge weight. Should be fine.

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COAL Long Line Empty Re: COAL Long Line

Post by jlow 7/1/2019, 3:10 am

The bullets will have their variation, but just measuring their length does not really tell you the truth of the situation.  The reason is when we measure handgun bullets, we measure OAL.  The problem with this is your seater die does not push down on the very top of the bullet but on the ogive, so measuring OAL does not tell you the variance of the ogive.

In the end, the guys are right and it's not precision rifle.  However, significant differences in ogive will not only affect the OAL of your loaded round but more importantly how deep the bullet sits in the case, if that vary significantly, that can affect your pressure and precision.  Not sure there is anything you can do though.

In precision rifle reloading, we can sort bullets by base-to-ogive measurements but I have not heard such a tool for pistol bullets?


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Join date : 2019-01-07

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COAL Long Line Empty Re: COAL Long Line

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