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Honestly, what good are Ortho grips?

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Honestly, what good are Ortho grips? Empty Honestly, what good are Ortho grips?

Post by bruce martindale Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:04 pm

On 45s you ned to grip tight or firmly, even more so with higher recoil. Do you do that with your orthos?

Or do they only work with light 45 loads or 22 cal guns? My lnternational guns have them.

I put a set of Knills on a 1911 and a natural grip with lighter pressure was a disaster.

Firm grip, even with thumb curling down over the end of the thumbrest was better .

Had to uncurl finger tips to avoid side pushing.



bruce martindale

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Honestly, what good are Ortho grips? Empty Re: Honestly, what good are Ortho grips?

Post by joy2shoot Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:30 pm

After my elbow injury, I had to shoot my Pardini 22 (with the European grips) only (no .45) for over a year.  After that, I was not able to hold a 1911 (with out pain) unless it had large, thick grips.  Now, 3 years later, I am slowly going back to thin slabs.  I prefer thin slabs because I can better feel the pressure ‘alignment’ between trigger press, front strap and back strap, if that makes sense.


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Honestly, what good are Ortho grips? Empty Re: Honestly, what good are Ortho grips?

Post by john bickar Sun Jun 30, 2019 3:29 pm

I have shot a fair bit of both ISSF and bullseye. I have slabs on my bullseye guns. I also have small hands and a grip that is uncommon (I curl my thumb down).

I have tried various ergonomic grips for bullseye and have struggled with them. The only gun that I use for bullseye now that has ergonomic grips is my Walther GSP, which I use for.22 EIC. It's also uncoincidentally my Standard Pistol.
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john bickar

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Honestly, what good are Ortho grips? Empty Re: Honestly, what good are Ortho grips?

Post by Jon Math Mon Jul 01, 2019 1:08 pm

Ignoring the .45 for a moment.  In ISSF competition a set of grips must conform to much tighter restrictions(IE less support) than an American rules bullseye grip does.  I shot a pistol for a while with bullseye legal grips before switching to an ISSF legal grip.  I might not be the best example I shoot the ISSF grip significantly (like 50 points on average) better than I could ever shoot the same pistol with the old non-ISSF grips.   I do shoot at least 10 pellets for every .22 round I fire with a pellet pistol with ISSF grips—that muscle memory crossover could be the reason naturally.
Jon Math
Jon Math

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Honestly, what good are Ortho grips? Empty Re: Honestly, what good are Ortho grips?

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