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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

james r chapman
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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

Post by CO1Mtn 7/5/2019, 9:40 am

Good day,

I'm moving out of Forida in about a year or 1.5 years. I'm letting my enlistment expire, and I want to move to the west. I'm an electrician. I want to move to a location with low humidity but that is also not too far away from CMP or EIC matches. The humidity here in Florida is affecting my sinuses, so it's time to move back out west. From the data I'm gathering, these locations look to be the best for employment and the general climate and geography I want to live in. They appear to be good politically also, as far as firearm freedom.

1. Albuquerque, NM
2. Reno, NV
3. Las Vegas, NV

Albuquerque looks good because it is not too far from the NRA Whittington center, and also is near Sandia gun club, and they have both rifle and pistol CMP and EIC events.

But I'm not sure about Reno because it looks to be far away from any type of EIC matches, both rifle and pistol. And I don't think there are any CMP events there, either. The only thing I could find is that Palomino Valley Gun Club is close to Reno. Looks like they have rifle events but no pistol events.

And Boulder Rifle & Pistol Club is near Las Vegas. Looks like they do high power rifle there but no pistol.

I may have answered my own question but I thought it would be good to ask for other opinions also, as I have been to New Mexico once, but I've never been to Nevada.

Thank you for any help you can provide.


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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Re: Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

Post by NuJudge 7/5/2019, 9:08 pm

Look at the CMP site for their competitions:  

They generally have their Travel games at Ben Avery range in Phoenix, but the CMP website says nothing of a Games event there, just Oklahoma City.


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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Re: Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

Post by james r chapman 7/5/2019, 9:47 pm

Man, Reno looks sooo nice, Lake Tahoe, the white capped mountains... something you don't have in SE Michigan!!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Re: Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

Post by TonyH 7/6/2019, 6:00 am

the white capped mountains... something you don't have in SE Michigan!!
We have Mt. Brighton....too hot in Hell for white capped mountains, you probably just have volcanoes.Twisted Evil

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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Re: Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

Post by cdrt 7/6/2019, 7:55 am

The Sandia Gun Club does not have their own range.  Their pistol indoor league uses a commercial range in town during the Winter and they use the city's outdoor complex in the Summer.  They host the New Mexico State Outdoor Pistol Championship at Raton every year on the weekend following Labor Day.  Not sure where they hold their rifle matches, since my only contact has been with their pistol matches.  A lot of their pistol shooters come over and shoot the matches here in Amarillo.  The only CMP pistol matches they hold are the .22 EIC and Service Pistol EIC at their state match in September.

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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Re: Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

Post by L3 7/6/2019, 9:45 am

Don't forget you can always run a match.

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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Re: Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

Post by javaduke 7/7/2019, 3:40 pm

Have you considered Phoenix, AZ area? At the Phoenix Rod&Gun club we shoot bullseye matches year round, and we try to include EIC matches with any major event. The humidity is low, cost of living is reasonable and no restrictive firearms laws.


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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Re: Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

Post by CO1Mtn 7/7/2019, 5:30 pm

cdrt wrote:The Sandia Gun Club does not have their own range.  Their pistol indoor league uses a commercial range in town during the Winter and they use the city's outdoor complex in the Summer.  They host the New Mexico State Outdoor Pistol Championship at Raton every year on the weekend following Labor Day.  Not sure where they hold their rifle matches, since my only contact has been with their pistol matches.  A lot of their pistol shooters come over and shoot the matches here in Amarillo.  The only CMP pistol matches they hold are the .22 EIC and Service Pistol EIC at their state match in September.
Looks like they shoot at Albuquerque shooting range park.

Well, with matches close by (well, relatively close) in Phoenix, Amarillo, and Raton, maybe I would be well-placed in Albuquerque. Placing myself in a city where job prospects are good is my top priority, but I need my hobby, too.

I would move to Phoenix, but it's too hot for me there. But anywhere I go would be less humid than Florida.

Thank you for the info, everyone.


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Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there... Empty Re: Are there any CMP matches near Reno, Nevada? I might move there...

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