Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
james r chapman
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Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
First topic message reminder :
Is there a web page that is tracking the goings on at Perry, what happened each day, how people are doing, maybe some photos?
Even better, some video coverage - but that's too much to hope for I guess.
Is there a web page that is tracking the goings on at Perry, what happened each day, how people are doing, maybe some photos?
Even better, some video coverage - but that's too much to hope for I guess.
mikemyers- Posts : 4236
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
From the CMP rulebook:
e) Excessive Hits. If there are 11 or more hits on a target or if the competitor fired fewer than 10 shots and there are more hits than the number of shots fired by the competitor:
• The scorer must determine if one or more shots came from a different caliber pistol. If yes, those extra shot(s) must be nullified and the remaining shots on the target scored.
• If all hits are equal value, the required number of hits must be scored.
• If the competitor fired more than 10 shots, the 10 lowest value hits must be scored.
• If 11 or more hits remain to be scored, the competitor has the option of accepting the score of the lowest scoring shots equal to the number of shots the competitor fired, or he/she may refire the entire 10-shot series. If the competitor elects to refire, he/she shall receive the score fired in the refire series, except that the competitor may not receive a score that is higher than the required number of shots of highest value on the original target. If this occurs, the 10 highest value hits on the original target must be scored and credited to the competitor.
f) Crossfire. A crossfire is a shot fired on another competitor’s target. A crossfired record shot must be scored as a miss (0).
Out of curiosity, how many CMP matches do you shoot a year? How familiar are you with thecmp.org?
e) Excessive Hits. If there are 11 or more hits on a target or if the competitor fired fewer than 10 shots and there are more hits than the number of shots fired by the competitor:
• The scorer must determine if one or more shots came from a different caliber pistol. If yes, those extra shot(s) must be nullified and the remaining shots on the target scored.
• If all hits are equal value, the required number of hits must be scored.
• If the competitor fired more than 10 shots, the 10 lowest value hits must be scored.
• If 11 or more hits remain to be scored, the competitor has the option of accepting the score of the lowest scoring shots equal to the number of shots the competitor fired, or he/she may refire the entire 10-shot series. If the competitor elects to refire, he/she shall receive the score fired in the refire series, except that the competitor may not receive a score that is higher than the required number of shots of highest value on the original target. If this occurs, the 10 highest value hits on the original target must be scored and credited to the competitor.
f) Crossfire. A crossfire is a shot fired on another competitor’s target. A crossfired record shot must be scored as a miss (0).
Out of curiosity, how many CMP matches do you shoot a year? How familiar are you with thecmp.org?
adminbot1911- Posts : 352
Join date : 2019-05-17
Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
From the NRA rulebook:
14.10 Excessive Hits - If more than the required number of hits
appear on the target, any shot which can be identified by the appearance
of the bullet hole as having been fired by some competitor,
other than the competitor assigned to that target, or as having
been fired in a previous string, will be pasted and will not be
scored. If more than the required numbers of hits then remain on
the target a complete new score will be fired and the original score
will be disregarded, except:
(a) If all hits are of equal value, the score will be recorded as
the required number of hits of that value.
(b) The competitor shall be allowed to accept a score equal to
the required number of hits of lowest value.
(c) If a competitor fires fewer than the prescribed number of
shots through the competitors own fault, and there should
be more hits on the target than the shots fired, the competitor
will be scored the number of shots of highest value
equal to the number fired, and will be given a miss for
each unfired cartridge.
(d) If a competitor, by mistake, fires more than the required
number of shots, the required number of hits of lowest
value will be scored. This shall not be considered a refire
as outlined in Rule 9.14.
(e) If the competitor refires, the original target with excessive
hits shall be retained by the designated range official and
on refiring, the competitor may not receive a score higher
than the required number of hits of highest value on the
original target. If the score on the refired target is higher
than the required number of hits of highest value on the
original target, then the original target shall be scored using
the appropriate hits of highest value; but if the score
on the refired target is not higher, then such refired score
will be recorded.
14.10 Excessive Hits - If more than the required number of hits
appear on the target, any shot which can be identified by the appearance
of the bullet hole as having been fired by some competitor,
other than the competitor assigned to that target, or as having
been fired in a previous string, will be pasted and will not be
scored. If more than the required numbers of hits then remain on
the target a complete new score will be fired and the original score
will be disregarded, except:
(a) If all hits are of equal value, the score will be recorded as
the required number of hits of that value.
(b) The competitor shall be allowed to accept a score equal to
the required number of hits of lowest value.
(c) If a competitor fires fewer than the prescribed number of
shots through the competitors own fault, and there should
be more hits on the target than the shots fired, the competitor
will be scored the number of shots of highest value
equal to the number fired, and will be given a miss for
each unfired cartridge.
(d) If a competitor, by mistake, fires more than the required
number of shots, the required number of hits of lowest
value will be scored. This shall not be considered a refire
as outlined in Rule 9.14.
(e) If the competitor refires, the original target with excessive
hits shall be retained by the designated range official and
on refiring, the competitor may not receive a score higher
than the required number of hits of highest value on the
original target. If the score on the refired target is higher
than the required number of hits of highest value on the
original target, then the original target shall be scored using
the appropriate hits of highest value; but if the score
on the refired target is not higher, then such refired score
will be recorded.
adminbot1911- Posts : 352
Join date : 2019-05-17
Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Rule 14.10 brings back some bad memories. I wrote in a previous thread that one must know the rules. Case on point:
I was shooting a regional match, 22 timed fire, way back when. Put down and had scored 10 shots. Forgot to paste a clean center, and put down 10 more => "excessive hits". Scorer called the "NRA zebra" who disallowed my target then and there. Now, if I had known 14.10, I would have had my scorer identify the first ten, and score the remaining 10. Or, scoring even the lowest ten would have been incorrect, but acceptable considering the real outcome. Even if I didn't know the rule, I should have stapled a Lincoln on the target and let the jury sort it out. Novice Expert, I trusted the Referee. Losing 96 points was tought on the aggregate, and a lesson to remember!
I was shooting a regional match, 22 timed fire, way back when. Put down and had scored 10 shots. Forgot to paste a clean center, and put down 10 more => "excessive hits". Scorer called the "NRA zebra" who disallowed my target then and there. Now, if I had known 14.10, I would have had my scorer identify the first ten, and score the remaining 10. Or, scoring even the lowest ten would have been incorrect, but acceptable considering the real outcome. Even if I didn't know the rule, I should have stapled a Lincoln on the target and let the jury sort it out. Novice Expert, I trusted the Referee. Losing 96 points was tought on the aggregate, and a lesson to remember!
sharkdoctor- Posts : 177
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Dcforman- Posts : 911
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Dcforman- Posts : 911
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james r chapman- Admin
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Zero, and not at all other than what is used by my club or I read in this forum, or the Bullseye website.adminbot1911 wrote:.........Out of curiosity, how many CMP matches do you shoot a year? How familiar are you with thecmp.org?
I have been trying to make it to each monthly Bullseye match at my club, Hollywood Rifle and Pistol Club. Most of the club members shoot two handed, at 25 and 15 yards. There is a small group of us who shoot in a separate group, following Bullseye rules, one handed, at 50 and 25 yards.
If I would have known many years ago about Bullseye Competition, my life would have been very different.
I'm jealous when I look at the photos posted here.
Maybe some century there will be an official match in Miami.
Full matches used to be held here, but the participation dropped off.
Please don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy competing as much as I'm able to, and there's a lot of good people at my club, but I consider Perry to be the World Championships! .....but open to everyone. So many shooters!!!!!!
mikemyers- Posts : 4236
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Jim, how did you get a meal like that at the match? Is there a cafeteria there? Looks delicious - and there's a sticker on your spoon! :-)
mikemyers- Posts : 4236
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Age : 80
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
From the next-to-last photo, I assume every time you shoot on a new target, you put up a backing board with the target? At my club, we use one backing board for the entire event, and put up repair centers and tape as needed.
Thanks for posting - you guys sure are NOT getting the weather I read about from the past!!
( I wish I was there with my camera and video gear.....)
Thanks for posting - you guys sure are NOT getting the weather I read about from the past!!
( I wish I was there with my camera and video gear.....)
mikemyers- Posts : 4236
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Age : 80
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Most clubs do the repair center.mikemyers wrote:From the next-to-last photo, I assume every time you shoot on a new target, you put up a backing board with the target? At my club, we use one backing board for the entire event, and put up repair centers and tape as needed.
Being it is the Nationals one reason for a new backer board with each target is if someone shoots a new record it makes it easier to preserve for verification. Another is challenges, and another is many shooters shoot tight groups and just replacing a repair center the backers gets shot out and the later targets don't have clean holes especially when nearly all their shots are in the 10 & X rings.
- Dave
dronning- Posts : 2581
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
More information and seven photos here:
....a link to the first of seven photos:
....a link to the first of seven photos:
mikemyers- Posts : 4236
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Link to 40 pics
dronning- Posts : 2581
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Perry centerfire scores seem low. Only 3 scores above 870. Bad conditions on the Master relay?
Dr.Don- Posts : 815
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Wind came up by R3, quartering NNW
james r chapman- Admin
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Yeah. Wind was mostly at our backs in R1, pretty light until the last couple of targets. Picked up through the day.
Dcforman- Posts : 911
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Re: Web Coverage at Camp Perry 2019?
Link to results
Link to results
adminbot1911- Posts : 352
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