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How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W Model 41 ?

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How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W  Model 41 ? Empty How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W Model 41 ?

Post by James Mock 7/9/2019, 7:14 pm

As far as accuracy is concerned which will make a better competition pistol?

James Mock

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Join date : 2018-09-22
Age : 80
Location : Baskin, LA

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How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W  Model 41 ? Empty Re: How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W Model 41 ?

Post by zanemoseley 7/9/2019, 7:23 pm

The scorpion is just 2 pounds. I prefer steel framed pistols when possible to stabilize, i prefer 3 pounds minimum with the dot and rail installed. So if those are my options I would go with a 41. I would look hard at a 22 conversion for a 1911 too.


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How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W  Model 41 ? Empty Re: How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W Model 41 ?

Post by gregbenner 7/10/2019, 1:13 am

I’ve got two of each, and agree with Zane. The VC is too light, 41 has better feel/balance (for me).  Plus, the  41 is light years easier take down and put back together than the Volquartsen and there is the availability of different barrels for the 41. On the Volquartsen the barrel is the serialized part.


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How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W  Model 41 ? Empty Re: How does the Volquartsen Scorpion compare to the S&W Model 41 ?

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