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Volquartsen Scorpion

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Volquartsen Scorpion Empty Volquartsen Scorpion

Post by James Mock 7/10/2019, 8:26 am

I am in search of the most accurate .22 LR pistol for shooting from a rest. I have read some great reports about the Volquartsen Scorpion, but have not ever shot one. I now have a S&W Model 41 with 2x Scope that is very accurate. I wonder if the Volquartsen could match or beat it at 50 Yards? Thanks

James Mock

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Volquartsen Scorpion Empty Re: Volquartsen Scorpion

Post by Guest 7/10/2019, 9:58 am

Not sure what your primary objective is, but any of the longer barrelled single shot target pistols fitted with, say, a 4x scope will surely out-shoot any of the autos off a rest if properly handled.

TOZ free pistol, Hammerli 120, and many other relatively inexpensive guns will work well. IMHO.


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Volquartsen Scorpion Empty Re: Volquartsen Scorpion

Post by gregbenner 7/10/2019, 11:30 am

I’ve got a two of each, 41 and VC. Shooting from a rest i see no measurable difference, by far the biggest difference is the ammo, and finding what your particular gun shoots best. 

The VC is lighter, and I find the heavier, and to me, better balanced 41 is easier to shoot bullseye. Also, I like the 41 trigger better.

Last edited by gregbenner on 7/10/2019, 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Volquartsen Scorpion Empty Re: Volquartsen Scorpion

Post by Axehandle 7/10/2019, 5:07 pm

most accurate .22 LR pistol for shooting from a rest

Back in the day the old heads would seek out the older M41 barrels.  The understanding was they shot better than any other semi auto.
I'd put my money on a 208S


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Volquartsen Scorpion Empty Re: Volquartsen Scorpion

Post by Axehandle 7/11/2019, 6:10 am

If you like a heavier gun there are steel Volquartsen barrels out there.  Traded for this complete Volquartsen Olympic here.  Also picked up a lightweight LLV barrel for it here.  Always liked a heavy gun but in this case I like the LLV barrel better.
Volquartsen Scorpion A0VhsUO
Volquartsen Scorpion F8Sbd6S


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