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Springing for both short and long line

Jon Eulette
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Springing for both short and long line Empty Springing for both short and long line

Post by inthebeech 7/11/2019, 4:59 pm

I am guessing you guys just spring your guns for the lighter load and let the slide do its thing when you shoot your long line load?  My gun will not cycle its short line load with the 16 lb spring that gives best ejection with my long line load.  For short line I need to be at 12 pounds and even with this weight the gun ejects cases like a girl. 
I'm only at 2K rounds so if using the lighter spring for my 760 ft/sec, long line loads, is abusive, I guess I'm still a ways away from seeing any damage?

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Springing for both short and long line Empty Re: Springing for both short and long line

Post by Jon Eulette 7/11/2019, 6:30 pm

I switch springs from LL to SL on one of my pistols. Not a big deal.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Springing for both short and long line Empty Re: Springing for both short and long line

Post by inthebeech 7/12/2019, 4:27 am

I can't even remember to move my (iron) sights.
I went to work yesterday without underwear.
Until my Ginko Biloba kicks in, I am just going to use my 750 f/s load at both and just stuff the short line cases with cheaper lead SWC's.

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Springing for both short and long line Empty Re: Springing for both short and long line

Post by BHeintz 7/12/2019, 7:11 am

I don't know what your short line load is, but it might work better at 50yd than you think. Last summer I started having problems with my elbow, and shot 3.3 WST, Zero 200 LSWC. I was able to still shoot slow fires in the low 90's. You might be able to find a load between the two ,and just shoot that for both.


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Springing for both short and long line Empty Re: Springing for both short and long line

Post by mikemyers 7/12/2019, 9:24 pm

Question - I am now practicing at 25 yards with a Springfield Armory gun, with extremely lightweight Ultradot L/T sight on it.  Loads are Magnus #801 bullets, and 3.8 grains of WST.  The recoil spring is 10#.

So, let's say I move the target to 50 yards.  What, if anything, would I change in the gun?

I assume I need to change the sights back and forth for each distance. 
Despite what I read up above, I don't think I would want to change the recoil spring.
Until now, I never even considered loading ammunition differently for 25 vs. 50 yards.

What are the appropriate change(s) to make?

Also, is it better to set up the gun and load for 50 yards, and to make a change when the targets come back to only 25, which simulates a match?

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Springing for both short and long line Empty Re: Springing for both short and long line

Post by Jack H 7/12/2019, 10:08 pm

Is shooting two loads that common a practice?
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Springing for both short and long line Empty Re: Springing for both short and long line

Post by inthebeech 7/13/2019, 7:08 am

Last time I shot my 25 yd load (710 f/s) at fifty yards, holes were shaped like bathtubs.  I'm not complaining about the extra paper gone but they were not printing tight groups unfortunately.  Of course if the larger groups are due to barrel time and not loss of stability, I'm better off sticking with the faster load everywhere anyway; plus it builds character ( and tendonitis).
Besides, the question was really about whether a gun that can still eject cases with a 16 lb spring, had a 12 lb spring in it, about how much have I shortened it's life by.  I would have no problem retiring a cracked Gold Cup frame if it gave me 20K rounds; that's probably half the number of remaining years of shooting for me.

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Springing for both short and long line Empty Re: Springing for both short and long line

Post by Dr.Don 7/13/2019, 9:10 am

Two loads are fairly common.  We tend to go for low recoil for sustained fire at the shortline.  At the longline recoil is not a recovery issue so we can afford to go a little hotter if that improves 50yd accuracy.  And it often does.  No re-springing required in any of my guns for the change from 25 to 50yds.  I use the Magnus #801 185gr throughout with 3.6gr Bullseye at 25yds and 4.1gr Bullseye at 50yds.

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Springing for both short and long line Empty Re: Springing for both short and long line

Post by inthebeech 7/13/2019, 11:54 am

I think that's all I'm going to do as well Don.  Twelve pound spring to get the 3.6 gr Clays/Zero 185 ejected and leave it in for either of my two long line loads - 3.8 gr Clays and the same 185 or 4.1 gr Clays with the Zero 185 JHP for the long line. 

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Age : 59
Location : Harleysville, Pennsylvania

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