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Kowa TSN-501

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Kowa TSN-501 Empty Kowa TSN-501

Post by C.Walsh 7/13/2019, 5:12 am

Kowa TSN-501. Has anyone here bought that spotting scope and what can they say about it? Kind of pricey from what I’m used to but I’m looking for a new spotting scope and don’t want to fight with cheap glass anymore.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2019-01-03

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Kowa TSN-501 Empty Re: Kowa TSN-501

Post by inthebeech 7/13/2019, 6:06 am

I have one.  No issue at all seeing 22 holes at 50 yards under any outdoor lighting conditions.  Focus knob stays put as it should.  Sharp picture.  Not an extended relief model but I don't mind the reduced FOV when I look through with safety glasses on.  Keep an eye out and save a couple hundred dollars.  I got one off Ebay for about $125.

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Join date : 2012-03-17
Age : 59
Location : Harleysville, Pennsylvania

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