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Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV?

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Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV? Empty Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV?

Post by major146 7/15/2019, 11:17 am

I have read on this forum that some question weather or not it is ok to dry fire there gun. Apparently some it is OK other it is not. Is it OK to dry fire my Ruger Mark IV?


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Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV? Empty Re: Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV?

Post by Kp321 7/15/2019, 11:47 am

I have not taken a Mk IV apart personally but you can check yourself easily. With the bolt out of the receiver, push the firing pin as far in as it will go, using a small screwdriver or pencil. If the tip of the firing pin does not protrude past the end of the bolt face, the firing pin will not hit the chamber when dry firing. Is it a good idea? No. The firing pin is designed to be cushioned by the cartridge rim. When dry firing, the firing pin is stopped by the retaining pin which is not designed to take the repeated shock. Am occasional snap won't hurt but prolonged dry firing could cause problems. Use snap caps or a yellow dry wall anchor in the chamber.


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Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV? Empty Re: Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV?

Post by gregbenner 7/15/2019, 12:55 pm

My dad used to say, “ when in doubt, read the manual”

Page 14 

“The RUGER® MARK IVTM pistol can be dry fired but a snap cap is strongly recommended for anything more than occasional dry fire practice.‘


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Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV? Empty Re: Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV?

Post by major146 7/15/2019, 3:35 pm

Thanks for the replies. I usually only dry fire when I am putting it away to release the tension on the hammer spring. But I will get some snap caps to put in there when I do it from now on.


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Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV? Empty Re: Is it OK to dry fire my Mark IV?

Post by Slartybartfast 7/16/2019, 9:01 am

major146 wrote:Thanks for the replies.  I usually only dry fire when I am putting it away to release the tension on the hammer spring. But I will get some snap caps to put in there when I do it from now on.
Forget the snap caps.
Go to the hardware store and buy a big box of yellow plastic #4-6 wall screw anchors. Perfect fit for .22 dryfire.

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