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SARO 45 wad gun

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SARO 45 wad gun  Empty SARO 45 wad gun

Post by Deerspy 7/17/2019, 6:24 pm

ok I have bought the Jon Eulette red dot rail for the slide and want to put a new barrel bushing stock one has loosened up quite a bet it look like the park finish in slide is coming off, My question how would you prepare slide sand the rest of finish off or try to set up on mill and bore clean up area for bushing then order a EGW bushing to fit?



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SARO 45 wad gun  Empty Re: SARO 45 wad gun

Post by KBarth 7/17/2019, 6:34 pm

I just fit an egw to mine and I didn't do any of that extra work and mine is a hammer. I'd say its about a 2in gun with stock barrel, egw bushing and .200 slide pin

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SARO 45 wad gun  Empty Re: SARO 45 wad gun

Post by Deerspy 7/17/2019, 6:49 pm

I would say mine is a little out of round because it was a lot tighter when new and now some of the parkerized finish has wore off and stock bushing is loose now and I do need a better slide stop pin to.


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SARO 45 wad gun  Empty Re: SARO 45 wad gun

Post by Sc0 7/17/2019, 7:17 pm

When you turn the bushing, is the pistol in lockup or is the barrel sticking out at least a half inch?


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SARO 45 wad gun  Empty Re: SARO 45 wad gun

Post by Jon Eulette 7/17/2019, 7:22 pm

Always unlocked out of battery at least 1/2"
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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SARO 45 wad gun  Empty Re: SARO 45 wad gun

Post by Deerspy 7/18/2019, 11:34 am

Yes I always have the barrel sticking out past the bushing been doing that for 30 years with the colt gi model so I bought the SARO to build another wad gun it was tight when I picked it out of the line up at gun show they had 4 of them new on the table this one was the tightest in I thought but after shooting 1000 rounds of 200g SWC with 4g BE and cleaning after 100 rounds
it loosens up a bunch you would not believe the amount of black finish that came out of rails and  slide bushing area I had thoughts that I had been duped like some one spread some kind of filler on it to make it fell tight ! well driving on with rail bushing and slide stop pin to make it tighter.


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Location : east Iowa

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SARO 45 wad gun  Empty Re: SARO 45 wad gun

Post by jglenn21 7/18/2019, 12:37 pm

on the slide, I actually use a blind hole lap/hone to even up the bushing area and insure it's smooth.. You can get them from most industrial supply houses like MSC. they are slightly adjustable in diameter and come in many sizes.. I have them also for the firing pin and extractor holes. 

think 11/16 is the size I use for the slide

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SARO 45 wad gun  Empty Re: SARO 45 wad gun

Post by Deerspy 7/19/2019, 1:06 pm

I tried to measure with calipers and 0 to 1 mikes with telescope gages looks like .7015 might be
close I lay a .003 feller gage in slide and push the bushing in by hand with out to much pressure 
bushing measured .6981 so I will order .7010 bushing that should get most of slop out.

thanks jglenn21 for hone tip 



Posts : 246
Join date : 2013-01-30
Location : east Iowa

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