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New Jersey at Camp Perry

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New Jersey at Camp Perry Empty New Jersey at Camp Perry

Post by raydiak 7/20/2019, 4:52 pm

NJ did great at CP this year. We had a record of 47 competitors, 14 were juniors, competing at the NRA National and most of those shot at the CMP matches. The NJ State Association, ANJRPC, fielded 3 adult and 3 junior NRA teams, and 5 junior CMP teams, again, a record. My wife, Noalibis Mary, will have all the details on www.njpistol.com shortly. I was disappointed with the overall junior turnout. Looking at the online results, Mary counted only 30 junior competitors, almost half were from NJ. The actual number of junior precision pistol shooters in NJ is at least 30. We have been promoting, training and coaching juniors since 2003 and would be happy to help anyone willing to start their own junior precision pistol program. Contact Mary at mary@njpistol.com or me at senpercon@gmail.com Ray, NJ State Pistol Chair.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-01-12

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New Jersey at Camp Perry Empty Re: New Jersey at Camp Perry

Post by valbern67 7/21/2019, 3:10 pm

Thank you, Ray and Mary for all of your support for our juniors and the NJ Pistol Team in general! You were crucially instrumental in introducing me to this amazing sport and your support and encouragement has been invaluable!

I was so proud to represent the NJ Team this year!


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Join date : 2018-09-04
Location : Norman, OK

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New Jersey at Camp Perry Empty Re: New Jersey at Camp Perry

Post by raydiak 7/21/2019, 3:38 pm

You are quite welcome Val. What made the 2019 Camp Perry special for us is you singing at our team dinner and at the NRA closing ceremony.

Mr. & Mrs. Chairman


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-01-12

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New Jersey at Camp Perry Empty Re: New Jersey at Camp Perry

Post by javaduke 7/22/2019, 12:10 pm

It was pleasure talking to you guys and Perry and watching these kids shooting! Have you considered attending the Phoenix Desert Midwinter matches next year? We are thinking about adding a Junior Championship and awards for High Juniors to our program, and the NJ junior team is invited!


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New Jersey at Camp Perry Empty Re: New Jersey at Camp Perry

Post by kczerwin 8/2/2019, 5:11 am

Had a fantastic time shooting the team matches with the NJ juniors.  Great to see young people with enthusiasm for this sport.  Kudos to their coaches for bringing them.  Our team of Wisconsin shooters were all dads and it was as if they were our own kids.  Great bunch of young people.


Posts : 22
Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Central WI

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