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California Exempted "Olympic" pistols

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California Exempted "Olympic" pistols Empty California Exempted "Olympic" pistols

Post by Guest 7/26/2019, 12:20 pm

I may want to travel to/through CA in the future for competitions. I came across the chart on CalGuns which tries to clarify what is legal in CA - very confusing. I then went to the CA Penal Code document which describes the "Olympic" pistols.

I see that, whilst there are many Pardini pistols included in the list, the Pardini HP in 32ACP is not listed.

Does that mean that it would be illegal for me to transport and/or use my HP 32ACP in CA?


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California Exempted "Olympic" pistols Empty Re: California Exempted "Olympic" pistols

Post by Greg Walloch 7/26/2019, 12:25 pm

No.  You’re fine.  That list is for purchase.

Greg Walloch

Posts : 185
Join date : 2011-06-11

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