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Posting photos with wriiting on them

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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by chopper 7/27/2019, 8:43 am

I'm a slow with showing pictures on here, and that's only because I don't do it enough. I would like to figure out how to put arrows and writing on pictures to indicate what and where I'm refering to on them. I use a Chromebook with Chrome and it doesn't use touch screen only keyboard.
 Thanks for any direction, Stan


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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by dronning 7/27/2019, 12:17 pm

You have to edit the picture before you post them.  There is a free photo editor called Polarr Photo Editor that works on a Chromebook.  

Here is a link describing it:

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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by adminbot1911 7/29/2019, 1:26 pm

It is super low-tech, but I use Microsoft Paint.

Don't know if your Chromebook has it, but every PC I've ever used has had it... going back decades.  Also, there are text addition options, as well as shapes and arrows in whatever color you like.

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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by mikemyers 7/29/2019, 3:43 pm

If you're using an iPhone, you can add the text there very easily.  I imagine you can do the same thing with Android.  Once you edit the photo on your phone, you can transfer it to your computer.

If you're using an Apple computer, it's even easier.

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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by chopper 7/30/2019, 9:57 am

Thanks for the response, I'll have to try and experiment with those options. I've down loaded programs and such on my very first computer in 2007 and after about a year had to take it to a computer geek company because I really screwed it up. Now I been using a Chromebook because a friend said they were simpler and I'm not as likely to get as many viruses. I don't get the viruses like before but simpler, oh-ho-ho, I wouldn't say all that's true.


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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by javaduke 7/30/2019, 10:40 am

Sorry for the somewhat off-topic post but I thought I'd make some clarifications here Smile
An ex-Silicon Valley techie geek here Smile 
Chromebook is essentially a very cheap and underpowered Intel-based computer with a Linux-based ChromeOS on it. Most, if not all the software for it is community-based, free or very cheap and not very well designed. Generally speaking, Linux is the best possible choice for a server (e.g. a box that runs a website, or a database, etc) but IMHO very poor choice for a desktop / personal computer.
I've been a Windows user for many years but about 12 years ago I switched to Mac (because my company allowed me to do it and provided a laptop for me) and I believe it is the best choice for a personal computer or a workstation. Viruses? The only one I had was a stomach flu that I caught while visiting my customer in India (Mike Myers, how do you deal with it, if I may ask? Smile ) Mac OS X is also Unix-based, like Linux, so it is much more secure than Windows. No third-party antivirus software is required, if they try to sell you one, it's scam.
Software? Plenty of commercial and free for personal use choices. The built-in Preview app allows you to make basic annotations to any image (e.g. arrows, shapes, text, etc) and save it in the same or any different format. 
If I would compare Chromebook to an average Windows PC to a Mac, I'd say it's like Hi-Point vs Glock vs Pardini - Mac being Pardini, just as expensive but very fine tuned.


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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by chopper 7/30/2019, 11:45 am

Thank you for the information Java, that's about the order I took with semiauto pistols, only I made it to 1911s and High Standards instead of Pardini's.
  I've got some question about computers only and will PM you instead.
Thanks, Stan


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Post by javaduke 7/30/2019, 12:37 pm

1911 is like a Linux server - old school, reliable, inexpensive and does the job well Smile

Sure, anyone here, please feel free to PM me with technical questions, I'd be more than happy to help fellow shooters with getting up to speed with their computers and phones.


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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by chopper 7/30/2019, 1:26 pm

"1911 is like a Linux server - old school, reliable, inexpensive and does the job well  Posting photos with wriiting on them Icon_smile"
 That's exactly what I like, sometimes it's hard to improve on some things.


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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by SonOfAGun 7/30/2019, 2:18 pm

To the original question: the feature set you are looking for (adding arrows & text) is often referred to as 'annotation.' So as you look through menus of your software etc., that term may help you find the right tools.

On MacOS you'll have the Preview software, for example, under the Tools menu is the option Annotate, which then opens to several tool options. There is surely something basic like this that would be default software in Win and a Linux Chromebook.

As an example, here's an annotated screenshot of the Annotate features.
 Posting photos with wriiting on them Attachment
Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at 2.15.01 PM.png annotated annotationYou don't have permission to download attachments.(236 Kb) Downloaded 0 times

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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by mikemyers 7/30/2019, 3:32 pm

javaduke wrote:.......The only one I had was a stomach flu that I caught while visiting my customer in India (Mike Myers, how do you deal with it, if I may ask? Smile ) ......
I started going there in 1984, and used to get sick from drinking the water, using ice, or eating foods my body couldn't or wouldn't accept.  Now I can et anything there, drink the local water, and so on.

My biggest "issue" was how to maintain my dry-fire program.  Fixed that with a pseudo-gun made from a mobile phone case and a Pachmayr 1911 rubber gip, with a taped on ruler over the side with front and rear sights made from black plastic electrical tape.   :-)

Back to the topic, there are lots of tools to edit images like that on a mobile phone.  With my Mac, I dod that, use "Airdrop" (or email) to send to my laptop, then upload here as an image.

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 Posting photos with wriiting on them Empty Re: Posting photos with wriiting on them

Post by chopper 7/30/2019, 3:50 pm

I'll look into that SonOfAGun, I didn't know what to look for.
 Mike, you have a "iron gut" bet you hardly get an upset stomach. I used to be able to eat loads of "hot and spicey" but now I don't eat it all that often. My gramps was from Mexico and mom always said there's no way he could have worms or parasites. Thank you for the tips.


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Post by mikemyers 7/30/2019, 4:03 pm

Ha!!!   Yep, only once in the past ten years I got an upset stomach, but I think it was from bad food.  Spices?  I love Indian spices.  Everyone there is afraid to give me "spicy food", but I'm used to it by now, and enjoy it.  

For adding text, I took a photo, edited it with Photoshop, added arrows, text, whatever as a new "layer", flattened the image into a standard 'jpg' image, and posted it.  I don't use Photoshop any more - I refuse to rent it, year after year, for a ridiculous amount of money.  

With a Mac, doing this is easy, as noted above.  Doing it on an iPhone is also simple I guess, but I miss the tools of doing it on a computer screen.

to 'chopper', there are lots of appropriate forums where you can ask for an app that does what you want.  Whatever you find, don't download it from any place other the original developer's website.  Otherwise you might be downloading infected software again.

Or, this is how to edit your photos on a Chromebook:

For editing and adding text:

All of the above are from Google, so you don't need to worry about viruses.

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