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relubeing bullets

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relubeing bullets Empty relubeing bullets

Post by orpheoet 7/28/2019, 9:41 am

I've got a bunch of lead SWC that have goopy soft lube that's migrated all over the bullet. They gum up my dies and don't function 100% because the chamber gets gunked up. Whats the best way to get them cleaned up and relubed bearing in mind I have no sizing/lubing equipment and this will be a 1 time job. Thanks

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Age : 57
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relubeing bullets Empty Re: relubeing bullets

Post by javaduke 7/28/2019, 10:21 am

I had a similar problem and I switched to the Brazos coated bullets. Our summer AZ temperatures caused the wax lube to soften/melt and gunk up all my dies. Since I switched to Brazos, no problems whatsoever. and bullets are just as accurate if not better.


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relubeing bullets Empty Re: relubeing bullets

Post by orpheoet 7/28/2019, 10:53 am

javaduke wrote:I had a similar problem and I switched to the Brazos coated bullets. Our summer AZ temperatures caused the wax lube to soften/melt and gunk up all my dies. Since I switched to Brazos, no problems whatsoever. and bullets are just as accurate if not better.
Just loaded a sample pack of the Brazos coated. Trying them indoors for function in a few. But I still have to do something with over 1k of goopy (not Brazos) bullets!

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Age : 57
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relubeing bullets Empty Re: relubeing bullets

Post by jglenn21 7/28/2019, 11:32 am

A lee sizer is pretty cheap. That should wipe off the excess. If not then you can use mineral spirits to clean  the bullets then tumble lube them with something like 45-45-10

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relubeing bullets Empty Re: relubeing bullets

Post by Wobbley 7/28/2019, 2:17 pm

If they’re already sized. Just wash off all the old goop with mineral spirits or perhaps naphtha (OUTSIDE, AND AWAY FROM FLAMES) and reline using 45-45-10 or liquid alox.

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relubeing bullets Empty Re: relubeing bullets

Post by orpheoet 7/28/2019, 2:22 pm

Thanks all. Mineral spirits and 45 45 10 it will be

Posts : 1054
Join date : 2014-07-29
Age : 57
Location : Berea, Oh

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