Trigger reset “issue”
Jon Eulette
8 posters
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Trigger reset “issue”
The reason the word issue is in quotes, is because I am 99.99% confident, I am the issue. But about every 2 – 3 matches the trigger on my .22 conversion will not reset during sustained fire. I keep pulling on the trigger, nothing happens, I then fully release the trigger, reapply pressure but by then I run out of time and get a miss. My observation is this is the only gun this happens to. I do not have this issue with any of my .45s or my other .22s. So, is there something on the conversion I should check to eliminate any possible causes in the gun? Could this be an indication that something is beginning to wear or needs adjustment (other than myself)? If it is relevant, the trigger pull is a little over 4 pounds.
joy2shoot- Posts : 570
Join date : 2014-08-02
Location : North Carolina
Re: Trigger reset “issue”
How much take up do you have? 0.015" should be minimum. Might not be resetting until your 100% letting off trigger which is not desireable.
Jon Eulette- Posts : 4399
Join date : 2013-04-15
Location : Southern Kalifornia
Re: Trigger reset “issue”
Jon, when I look at it, I think the take up is fine. But I did these two ‘tests’. For both the .22 conversion and .45, I made sure they were unloaded, racked the slide, pulled the trigger, keeping the trigger held back, I racked the slide again. I then turned the gun sideways so I could look at the trigger and my finger on the trigger. I then slowly released the trigger until the trigger reset.
On the .45, as soon as I started to release pressure, the trigger started moving forward. It’s return travel was consistent and the return pressure was constant until the reset snapped into place. Sounds stupid, but it was like the trigger was eager to return.
On the .22, as soon as I started to release pressure, the trigger did not move. Not until I released more pressure did the trigger move. Its movement was lethargic and uneven. Eventually the trigger clicked to reset. It was not a solid snap like the .45. It was like the trigger was taking a nap and didn’t want to get out of bed.
On the .45, as soon as I started to release pressure, the trigger started moving forward. It’s return travel was consistent and the return pressure was constant until the reset snapped into place. Sounds stupid, but it was like the trigger was eager to return.
On the .22, as soon as I started to release pressure, the trigger did not move. Not until I released more pressure did the trigger move. Its movement was lethargic and uneven. Eventually the trigger clicked to reset. It was not a solid snap like the .45. It was like the trigger was taking a nap and didn’t want to get out of bed.
joy2shoot- Posts : 570
Join date : 2014-08-02
Location : North Carolina
Re: Trigger reset “issue”
Just a wild shot. Maybe the sear spring, middle leg is not providing enough pressure?
Willfish30- Posts : 34
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Re: Trigger reset “issue”
I would take lower apart and make sure trigger freely travels. Then as stated check middle leaf spring pressure for reset.
Jon Eulette- Posts : 4399
Join date : 2013-04-15
Location : Southern Kalifornia
Re: Trigger reset “issue”
I would also check the trigger travel with and without the mag inserted to determine if the trigger bow is rubbing against the mag.
mdlmaker- Posts : 33
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Re: Trigger reset “issue”
Yes! Did you have magazines in place both times? Could be the 22 mag is draging.
Dr.Don- Posts : 816
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Re: Trigger reset “issue”
When I did my test, I did not have a mag inserted. As suggested, I will take down the lower and check trigger travel and the sear spring. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will keep posted on what I find.Dr.Don wrote:Yes! Did you have magazines in place both times? Could be the 22 mag is draging.
joy2shoot- Posts : 570
Join date : 2014-08-02
Location : North Carolina
Re: Trigger reset “issue”
Keep it clean and lubricated. Polish the trigger bow and slots in the frame. Make sure the trigger bow doesn't drag on the magazine. Make sure the trigger moves smoothly. Make sure there is enough pressure on the trigger finger of the leaf spring.
Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
Re: Trigger reset “issue”
I had this problem in the past. Took the 1911 apart and trigger out and spotted that parts were sticky from oil
Pbmoser1954- Posts : 116
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Re: Trigger reset “issue”
The trigger should slide in the bare frame under its own weight. You could also check each leg of the sear spring with a trigger pull scale. I do this by removing the mainspring housing, swing out the hammer strut and reinstall the sear spring and MS housing. Holding the hammer in the cocked position. Put a scale and slowly pull. You should get a reading as soon as the trigger starts to move. This will be the disconnecter spring. Should be about 16 oz. pull more and you will get both sear and disconnecter spring. Could be about 32 oz. (16 oz each) more if you halve s 4 lb trigger. They should be about equal.
David R- Posts : 408
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Re: Trigger reset “issue”
To check pre travel, put the hammer in the 1/2 cock Notch. You should have some free play.
David R- Posts : 408
Join date : 2018-12-10
Age : 64
Location : Hamlin NY
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