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Revisiting my ejection problem

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Revisiting my ejection problem Empty Revisiting my ejection problem

Post by lablover 8/17/2019, 6:10 pm

Hopefully the link I post works.  I’ll do my best to make this short.  First, had a fabulous day at the range with Jim Chapman and TonyH. I learned a ton today and we may have also found my ejection problem.  Real quick I was getting lots of jams with my 160gr swc with 4.3 gr of be. On my other post with my frustrations you will see my problem. Most thought extractor was failing etc.  

On this practice day I brought a spare extractor to see if that would help.  I also had others shoot to see if maybe it was me.  It ain’t me and it ain’t the extractor.  Watch the video clip closely after the gun fires then watch the next round.  We thought, oh maybe ejector but then Mr. Chapman had the exact load and bullet I was using so I tried that..not a single failure!!  So, compared his and mine and our conclusion was my loads had considerably LESS crimp than his.  And I thought ....thought I was crimping at .463..measuring as close as I could.

The gun didn’t jam like it usually does but I had also lowered the spring from 12 to 11 lbs.

Anyway, I’ll let you all give your conclusions.  I’m pretty set on not enough crimp for a light bullet and a light load.  TonyH also had a 160 gr load but different powder and charge and it also worked flawlessly.  For the record my 190 gr swc with 4.0 be worked as usual...perfect

Sorry so long but maybe it might help others that ever run into the problem.  It was also cool to see the amount of wobble in slo mo and as a bonus when I thought the next shot was gonna go bang and didn’t I didn’t jerk the trigger..a problem I thought I was doing but the video proved otherwise.

Anyway, look forward to comments etc and also want to thank Jim and Tony for the time today and a awesome day at the range...I still owe you guys lunch! And Jim with the great idea to slow mo video it

Btw, always 4th shot did it!  I shortened the video as much as I could. This was a timed fire string

Hopefully this link works


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Revisiting my ejection problem Empty Re: Revisiting my ejection problem

Post by David R 8/17/2019, 8:35 pm

Videos make me dizzy, so I did not watch it.  I am glad you got to the bottom of it finally.    

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Revisiting my ejection problem Empty Re: Revisiting my ejection problem

Post by james r chapman 8/17/2019, 8:40 pm

It’s slow mo just for you dizzy folk
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Revisiting my ejection problem Empty Re: Revisiting my ejection problem

Post by DA/SA 8/18/2019, 12:34 pm

Very interesting!

Thank you for the update.

(and glad to hear its resolved!)

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