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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by Aprilian 8/20/2019, 11:00 am

I've been enjoying shooting swaged 185grn and feel they are accurate in my barrel.   I had slight leading at first with swaged, so for the last couple thousand bullets I've been adding a bit of heated 45/45/10 without removing the original wax lube, which has completely eliminated any lead deposits in the barrel.  Some excess 45/45/10 lube does build up in my seating and crimping dies, but it is simple to clean those every couple hundred rounds (I use a wooden dowel to dislodge it).

I've had no problems with doing this.  I just dismantled the pistol after using it in a match for CF and .45 and there was no buildup in the chamber, on the feed ramp nor in the magazine.

I don't own a tumbler (I had high lead numbers when I started reloading), so I can't just tumble for a few minutes to remove the excess lube.

As I have another 2k en-route, What are accuracy issues with having extra lube?

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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by jglenn21 8/20/2019, 11:20 am

none that I've ever experienced.  I often do exactly what you have done on bullets that have thin lube. I'll clean heavily lubed with mineral spirits if I want to re-coat those.

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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by joy2shoot 8/20/2019, 12:05 pm

Aprilian wrote:(I use a wooden dowel to dislodge it)
I run a Bore Snake up through the bottom of the die.


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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by dronning 8/20/2019, 1:14 pm

No accuracy issues, just a ton of smoke when I shot those loads.  I started removing the original wax just to cut down on the smoke.  I still have some waxed bullets left but I've switched over to Hi-Tek Gold coated from Brazos.
- Dave

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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by Lightfoot 8/22/2019, 10:57 am

Your leading issues are very likely caused by undersized swaged bullets not the lack of lube.  Have you ever pulled a loaded bullet to measure the final diameter?  

Go with Hi Tek!  They shoot great and are clean.  You do still have to load them in a manner to not reduce the diameter though.

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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by Aprilian 8/22/2019, 11:08 am


I have pulled some and no, they are not being reduced.  I use a Noe expander.

I plan to go coated in the future, but need to load a lot of on-hand swaged first.

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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by joy2shoot 8/22/2019, 11:55 am

Aprilian wrote:I use a Noe expander.
What size expander?  I use 456x452 for my swaged 185 gr HP. (For hard cast, I use 453x449.)


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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by Aprilian 8/22/2019, 4:50 pm

.453, but it is older and has been cleaned a few times, so likely .452 now.

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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by joy2shoot 8/22/2019, 9:21 pm

To try and answer your original question, I shot this earlier this month at an outdoor 2700 with Magnus 185 gr SWC-HP swaged.  It had the original lube plus some homemade 45-45-10 added via tumble lubing.  The rim-to-shoulder length was 0.920" and the crimp was 0.465".  I used the NOE expander I mentioned above.  The charge was 4.0 gr of N310 with a slide mounted H-1.  If it smokes, I am not aware of it.
double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? 185swc10


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double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause? Empty Re: double lubing - what 50 yd accuracy problems does this cause?

Post by Aprilian 8/22/2019, 9:32 pm

Thanks Thomas.  I’m at 4.1 N310 .464 and .920 with slide mounted ultra dot .   So very similar.   I appreciate your proof.  Nice shooting!

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