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What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die?

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What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die? Empty What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die?

Post by blindshooter 8/21/2019, 6:42 pm

I want to try a bit more crimp for my .45 lead loads, I read where lots of folks use as much as .463, right now I'm just straightening them up .469-.470.
Mostly using Zero 185 swc but considering trying those Brazos 160 coated. Loading 3.7gr BE under the 185 and it seems a little inconsistent, works much better on a hot day. The gun runs perfect even cold so I was thinking a bit more crimp might be all I need instead of more powder? I have Dillon, RCBS and Lee dies now, mostly using the Dillon in a 1050. Just wondering what others thought the best die for that much crimp might be? Hoping to save some setup time fooling with that 1050......


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Join date : 2016-03-15

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What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die? Empty Re: What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die?

Post by LenV 8/21/2019, 6:51 pm

Actually I have found there is only one die that gets you down to .463 smoothly and feels good doing it. I use Lee for almost everything but the .45 Taper crimp has to be a Dillon. I didn't spend years figuring this out. I asked Roddy Toyota what die I needed to use to get his crimp and he told me. I use Lee for the jacketed stuff.


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What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die? Empty Re: What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die?

Post by blindshooter 8/21/2019, 7:11 pm

Thanks Len, the dillon is already in press. Next session I'll run it down some and see what happens.


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Join date : 2016-03-15

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What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die? Empty Re: What's your favorite .45 taper crimp die?

Post by Jack H 8/21/2019, 8:03 pm

I use an RCBS seat-tapercrimp die without the seat.  Best crimper in town for jackets.  Also lead if you dont mind the cleaning hassle

But with lead and lube, I use dillon crimper for the cleaning take apart.  Also a good crimper.
Jack H
Jack H

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