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Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe

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Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe Empty Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe

Post by mikep 8/25/2019, 9:06 pm

Can a Kimber target 2 factory rebuilt with the correct recipe of bullet and powder be a bulls eye gun? and what would the recipe be for most accuracy and least recoil for bulls eye shooting?


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Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe Empty Re: Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe

Post by pgg 8/25/2019, 9:41 pm

Don't know anything about Kimbers but the recipe for a reduced recoil load is the same for all pistol calibers: heaviest bullet the barrel can stabilize, low charge of the fastest powder available.

For 9mm I've had some success with 147 gr XTPs and 2.5 gr N310 in a Beretta. Accurate, about 750ish fps, very light recoil. Needs a lighter recoil spring for the gun to function.

I had no luck with cast bullets in that weight range with low velocities. They all tumbled and keyholed the target, even at 25y. Leading was also a bit of an issue.


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Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe Empty Re: Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe

Post by David R 8/26/2019, 7:50 am

I have had good luck with a  115 grain Hornady HAP with 4.0 Titegroup.  The velocity is 1025 from a 5" gun.  I am getting 5 shot groups at 50 yards under 2"  hand held off a rest.  
If you read some of the threads, the suggested velocity is 1050 fps for a 115 grain.  In 9mm I always get better groups with Jacketed.   

I do shoot Missouri coated 125 SWC with 3.5 Bullseye for 1015 fps.  It only groups 1.5" @ 25 yards which is OK for shooting 50 feet indoors. 

This is out of a Dan Wesson PM-9.  

I don't know much about a Kimber target II.    Stock configuration, I would try a few load and see what it does.

I have a Kimber Target II in 45.  The only thing left stock is frame and slide. 

David R
David R

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Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe Empty Re: Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe

Post by LenV 8/26/2019, 10:03 am

I believe the pistol could be used for Bullseye. I certainly use mine all the time. I did take the small extra step of making it into a 38 Super. 

Kimber 9mm target 2 recipe Dscf0737

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