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Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet

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Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet Empty Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet

Post by lanjo 8/26/2019, 11:05 pm

Hi All,

I have a 38 special revolver with 0.360" cylinder throats which leads like crazy if I shoot the smaller 0.358" bullets. I would like to try a fatter bullet to see if that solves the problem. Does anyone know where I could get factory bullets like the old Remington 0.360" WCHB bullet?  I notice that all the bullets available these days are the 0.358" size.

Also, does anyone know of a bullet mold to make the 0.360" WCHB bullets?




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Join date : 2015-02-22
Location : Richmond, VA

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Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet Empty Re: Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet

Post by Wobbley 8/27/2019, 1:52 am

Look for bullets for 38 S&W.  This place sells them sized for .360 diameter.

Edit... add link http://www.westernbullet.com/

Last edited by Wobbley on 8/27/2019, 1:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet Empty Re: Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet

Post by oldsalt444 8/27/2019, 1:15 pm

38 S&W bullets which are round nose -

For wadcutters -

Matt's will size them to what you need.  They sell 100 packs also.

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Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet Empty Re: Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet

Post by jglenn21 8/29/2019, 7:45 am

NOE makes a .360 148gr hbwc mold. 1-4 cavity styles.

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Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet Empty Re: Mold for the Remington 0.360" 148 GR WCHB 38 specal bullet

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