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HS Victor - light primer strikes

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HS Victor - light primer strikes  Empty HS Victor - light primer strikes

Post by Spurls 8/28/2019, 7:05 pm

As the title alludes, I’m getting a light primer strike (1 in 15 shots).  When it happens the slide is in battery and just a click. The round shows little to no contact with the firing pin on a light strike, but others appear normal.  Any thoughts or ideas?


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Age : 37
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HS Victor - light primer strikes  Empty Re: HS Victor - light primer strikes

Post by Larry2520 8/28/2019, 7:17 pm

I had a High Standard that unbeknown to me had a broken firing pin. I took it to a local smith and fellow bullseye shooter and when I picked it up he asked how long I had it. I'd had it for a while and he told me what the problem was that he fixed. No telling when it broke but I began to have failures to fire. This may not relate to your problem but something worth investigating.


Posts : 144
Join date : 2017-05-07

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HS Victor - light primer strikes  Empty Re: HS Victor - light primer strikes

Post by james r chapman 8/28/2019, 7:21 pm

Clean the chamber with your L bristle brush.
check the tip of your firing pin.
Have you replaced your firing pin and recoil springs?
james r chapman
james r chapman

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HS Victor - light primer strikes  Empty Re: HS Victor - light primer strikes

Post by Spurls 8/29/2019, 8:07 am

Springs have been replaced, but firing pin is next.


Posts : 37
Join date : 2018-02-25
Age : 37
Location : Midland, MI

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HS Victor - light primer strikes  Empty Re: HS Victor - light primer strikes

Post by 172snowhawk 8/29/2019, 8:11 am

Had the same problem at Camp Perry a while back with a Victor with over 90K rounds. It wasn't the firing pin, spring, or recoil spring, but the mainspring which was the original.


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Join date : 2014-03-24

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HS Victor - light primer strikes  Empty Re: HS Victor - light primer strikes

Post by PhotoEscape 8/29/2019, 10:13 am

172snowhawk wrote:Had the same problem at Camp Perry a while back with a Victor with over 90K rounds. It wasn't the firing pin, spring, or recoil spring, but the mainspring which was the original.


I suggest checking Main/Hammer Spring and especially spring strut / guide.


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Location : Northern Illinois, USA

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HS Victor - light primer strikes  Empty Re: HS Victor - light primer strikes

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