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CMP rule clarification

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CMP rule clarification Empty CMP rule clarification

Post by inthebeech 8/31/2019, 7:06 am

Why does it seem that, in a match with audible signals rather than turning targets, a late shot gets scored normally and not penalized, as long as it is on paper?

"b) Late shot. A shot fired after the targets turn or the CEASE FIRING command/signal is given shall be scored according to where it hit the target or as a miss (0) if it did not hit the target. "

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CMP rule clarification Empty Re: CMP rule clarification

Post by CR10X 8/31/2019, 7:40 am

Yep, CMP strikes again.  Usually shots fired after a "CEASE FIRING" verbal command are considered safety violations. (Which is why there should be a "CEASE FIRING" signal or target turn and then the actual verbal command to give the competitor a chance to respond to the signal.)   Now, you can keep shooting and get scored if you can hit the target. So late shots have no penalty.  Confusing isn't it?

Be sure to keep reading and find out how excess hits are now scored......


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CMP rule clarification Empty Re: CMP rule clarification

Post by cdrt 8/31/2019, 9:03 am

As I'm reading this, you are penalized for an early shot like you would under NRA rules, but as the OP noted, not for a late shot.  This doesn't make any sense at all.

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CMP rule clarification Empty Re: CMP rule clarification

Post by joem5636 8/31/2019, 4:51 pm

Look at it from a practical point of view --  identifying the miscreant(s) is difficult without a lot of marshalls. The cheaters are not typically the best shooters anyway.


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CMP rule clarification Empty Re: CMP rule clarification

Post by cdrt 8/31/2019, 8:12 pm

joem5636 wrote:Look at it from a practical point of view --  identifying the miscreant(s) is difficult without a lot of marshalls. The cheaters are not typically the best shooters anyway.
Turning targets help, but the problem is, we now have two different sets of rules for competitions that are virtually the same.

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Location : Amarillo, Texas

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