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To shoe or not to shoe?

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To shoe or not to shoe? Empty To shoe or not to shoe?

Post by kohlerpartsgod Fri Sep 06, 2019 5:14 pm

I have been using one I got from a member here, Mr. Froneck. The shoe is great, it's just that it seems like I can't get a tight grip on my 1911. I took it off and started to dry fire. I can get the face of the trigger into my distal joint, my grip feels tighter. I put the shoe on to help with "chicken finger". I am wondering if any others have issues like this. I would like to master the 1911 with out the shoe. Any advise or recommendations are welcome.


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To shoe or not to shoe? Empty Re: To shoe or not to shoe?

Post by Jon Eulette Fri Sep 06, 2019 5:35 pm

I shoot long, med, short triggers and use s shoe on a couple. I use med with the shoe making it a long. To overcome chicken finger I use short roll that I only feel when squeezing really slow. When I'm squeezing confidently I don't feel the roll. When I experience chicken finger the roll lets me know the trigger is moving so I keep squeezing or abort if not right. When I use a shoe I squeeze differently than without. Learned process through dry practice and live fire.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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To shoe or not to shoe? Empty Re: To shoe or not to shoe?

Post by bruce martindale Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:10 pm


bruce martindale

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To shoe or not to shoe? Empty Re: To shoe or not to shoe?

Post by joy2shoot Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:42 pm

My 1911s have a long trigger, which is still too short for me.  I use a shoe made with some extra thickness just to get the trigger long enough.  If I had the money, I would get custom made triggers.  But the shoe gives me the length I need and is cheaper.


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To shoe or not to shoe? Empty Re: To shoe or not to shoe?

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